Week 5: Weigh in!

Having been on Diet Chef this week, it was anticipated that I should lose around 1-2lbs per week if their personalised advice was anything to by.

I've not been hungry at all this week and I had my very first voddy night in a year with Tracey from One Frazzled Mum...

Drinking from Jam Jars!!

I remain positively optimistic though about weight day today, I've not had the need to snack or crave anything sweet as Diet Chef is really REALLY doing it for me at the mo.

So, without further babbling on....

Diet Chef Week 1 Results:
Start weight: 16st 12lbs
Current weight: 16st 9.8lbs
Weekly Loss: -2.2lbs.
Total Loss: -2.2lbs

You can read about My first week on Diet Chef in more detail here if you like.

That makes my weightloss in week 5 so far as...

Week 5 Weight Loss Results 
Start weight: 17st 5.8lb
Current weight: 16st 9.8lbs
Weekly Loss: - 2.2lbs
Total Loss: - 10lbs

Woohooo! 2.2lbs off this week. Brilliant. I'm so pleased. With a total of 10lbs off in 5 little weeks, I couldn't be happier at the moment.


  1. Well done on your weight loss so far. It's going really well with 10lb off in 5 weeks. I have seen Diet Chef advertised before, it's good to see someone doing the plan and seeing the results.

  2. well done what a fab loss

  3. Woohoo well done you! Made up it's working out for you, you can really tell in RL too. ps I had a fab night thank you so much xx

  4. Well done, you're doing fab. I started a vlcd yesterday. I will shift this bloody baby weight.


  5. Well done!!! That's a great loss!


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