Getting Help When Birthing Day Doesn't Go As Planned

There are so many things to look forward to when expecting a new baby and it doesn’t matter if it’s your first, or your tenth. But sometimes things don’t always go according to plan, so knowing what to do if this happens to you is pretty important.

We’re going to look at a few of the most common injuries that babies and mum’s face during childbirth and what you need to do to get the help you need if this happens to you.

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For mums, there is a range of common birth injuries. While many of these are relatively minor and can be corrected quickly, some will require long-term care and may also cause permanent damage to the mother. In these instances, you must obtain as much information as possible from your medical team including transcripts of medical reports and if you intend on seeking further investigation, then you need to ensure that your case is properly documented with your local NHS trust authority. 

Some of these injuries may include:

Vaginal tears, broken bones, uterine rupture, uterine inversions, nerve injury and pelvic organ prolapse.

For babies, this becomes a much more important consideration as what could seem like a relatively minor injury at birth could well become something more serious later on, so when injuries have occurred for babies at birth, you must get as much information as possible and ask for a second opinion. You can also ask that your entire case be reviewed by your local NHS trust and if you’re still not satisfied, you can ask for an independent review. 

Babies can commonly face nerve damage, bruises or broken bones, injuries caused by forceps, facial paralysis, fractures or haemorrhages. Many infant injuries can be treated and are caused as a result of difficult or traumatic births where there may not be any culpability or legal wrongdoing on the part of the doctor or midwife, but as most of us are not medically trained it is important to get the right advice. 

This starts with finding the right solicitors that can assist with birth injury claims and also offer you direction in case management and documentary requirements.


We know that pregnancy isn’t always as easy and calm as we’d like it to be and at times it can be extremely challenging, which makes it even more important for mother and child to have as easy pregnancy as possible and this should extend to your birthing experience. So it pays to do some research and find out what the best possible options are for you and your baby, especially when your pregnancy was less than ideal. So, if you have had a challenging pregnancy then you need to discuss this with your midwife and doctor and keep those lines of communication open because the more information they have, the better prepared they’ll be on birthing day.

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How Moms Can Lower Stress Levels During the Holidays


woman in white shirt holding black ipad

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Now that schools are on break and the kids are back home for the holidays, many moms are getting increasingly stressed. For moms who are working from home whilst still looking out for the kids, it can take a lot to juggle both activities, in addition to preparing for the Christmas festivities. 

Naturally, any moms have to deal with elevated blood pressures and stress during this period. This is why it’s important to do everything you can to lower your stress levels. Here’s how to do that.

Write Down Your Daily To-Dos

Forgetting important things is a key source of stress for moms. From looking for your keys to forgetting to pick up cereals at the store, not having a list of things you need to do during the day sets you up for stress. 

This is why you need a daily to-do list, both for you and the kids. This helps minimise the potential chaos in the house and provides you with relative control over the kids. So, if you need to run errands, make the list of things you need to do, as well as, what the kids need to do to keep them engaged while you’re doing the errands. 

Cut Down on Caffeine

If you’re like most moms, you sleep late and wake up early. This means that you probably struggle with waking up early and often need caffeine to “wake up” and go about the day. Unfortunately, this is why many moms have become caffeine-dependent. Excess caffeine can make you anxious, irritable, and stressed. 

Therefore, if you can cut down on caffeine, it just might help lower your stress levels. So, what can you do? Well, start by cutting down on the quantity of caffeine you consume. 

If you used to drink 2-3 cups of coffee or caffeinated tea by 12 noon, you need to gradually cut back, until it’s no more than 1 cup and a max of 2 cups per day. It may be difficult, but it can be done. Instead, replace your “caffeine jolt” with the next activity in this article.

Get Some Exercise

Many women exercise with the intention of losing weight. And when they don’t see the quick results they expect, they tend to just throw in the towel and call it a day. 

Here’s the thing: exercise has so many other benefits apart from fat loss. One of these is the ability to keep your heart working optimally, thus lowering your chances of developing high blood pressure. So, start getting some exercise 3-4 days a week. 

Whether it’s yoga, cycling, running, brisk walking, or even weight lifting –don’t be so shocked; there are moms who lift weights- do this so that you can lower your stress levels. 

You’ll find that you’ll naturally lose more weight, and get lean muscle –particularly with the aid of something like MK-677- that will make you look toned and amazing. Whatever you do, make sure to stay physically active. You’ll find that you won’t be so winded when you exert yourself and you’ll have enough energy to match the kids’ energies. 

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