Pregnancy: It's not all sweetness and light (Contains TMI!)

Through puberty I always suffered with acne, greasy hair, dark hair regrowth etc. Never in my life have I been the 'seamless' kinda girl during transitional periods. I always end up with the embarrassing symptoms. I wouldn't be me without them!

So, why, the barnacles, did I think pregnancy would mean all glowing skin, healthy hair and strong nails this time around? 

Nope. Not 'lucky' enough for that!!

Instead, cue: 
  • Greasy hair - Dry shampoo aint saving this barnet, let me tell you.
  • BOILS - On my back, my face, my neck, my arms, my inner thighs for figs sake. Oh the shame 
  • Hair - Always had to maintain my upper lip anyway, I've never had a problem with that, but actual long hairs sprouting from my chin, and even my nipple, are terrifying. And, is it just me, or do they appear from nowhere at an extraordinary length?
  • Toothache - bad sensitivity has arisen from nowhere. Trip to the dentist is definitely required.
  • Leaking nipples - with Carson, it started at around 16 weeks and didn't stop 'til he was born. This time round it started at 20 weeks - and still going. If you could freeze breast milk, I'd get a pump right now and start storing it, I really would. I can seriously milk these babies right now - not just the odd drip!
  • Bleeding - I bled with Carson at around 24 weeks, this time it happened yesterday - 22 weeks. Although everything is fine, it's still very very scary.
  • Wind - pumps, farts, trumps... oh and burps, belches etc whatever you call them in your house - I just can't help it recently. Dear God. Although I will say that they don't smell haha! It's just air from all the compression inside. *Honest*
I've also had the return of the dreaded SPD and I've already told you about the need for glasses now too, but it's the small things like the above that get me down sometimes. I'm starting to enjoy pregnancy now, at 22 weeks, but it's the small every day embarrassments that wallop you in the mush, bringing you back down to miserable earth with an on-par-with-your-own-fat bump.

I'm just having a moan really. I totally appreciate that some poor souls go through ACTUAL complications. So, in reality, I'm thankful. Of course I am. 

...I'm still allowed to have an off day!

Anything else that you suffered with and *want* to share? 

I feel like an advert for Embarrassing Bodies right now! Lotsa love, Jo xx



  1. I shouldn't laugh but you sound exactly the same as me. I get all the embarassing stuff regardless of pregnancy too ;-)

    1. I guess I wrote this to laugh at myself anyway - makes me realise that it's not all that bad, and I do get something pretty great at the end of it!! Thanks so much for your comment, means a lot :-) xx

  2. Fantastic post, I totally agree about the wind, I've never suffered from it in my other pregnancies but it's got me with a vengeance this time ! x

    1. They say each pregnancy is different... probably because it would be too cruel to land everything on you in one hit #BloominMontherNature!! thanks for the comment x

  3. haha!! Well at least we've put it out there now that it's not our fault hey! Thanks very much for commenting xxx

  4. Oh god love ya! Love that you shared your real version of pregnancy tho

  5. Haha this really made me laugh! That was definitely me during pregnancy (and teenage years!) too! Sarah xx

    1. In that case, thank you Sarah, for making me feel normal!! :-) xx

  6. I was pretty lucky with my pregnancy symptoms, but I found I worried about every little thing and was probably a bit (ok a lot) moodier haha x

    1. You're allowed to be moody Steph ;-) it's our prerogative!! thanks for the comment xx

  7. I used to wee myself a little with every cough/sneeze :(

    The last line made me giggle, about being an advert for embarrassing bodies! Xx

  8. Ahhh yes... I forgot to mention the increase in pantyliner spend haha!! Xx

  9. I'm 31 weeks pregnant... Nearly 32. The most I am suffering from right now is SPD and going to the toilet all the time at night. I am trying to lie in just one position so I don't end up going so much but unfortunately that's not always possible as laying on my back the baby constantly kicks.

  10. OMG I totally read this as though it was a new post!!! lol
    Pregnancy wasn't kind to me either - you see all these women glowing and looking positively amazing pregnant - me? Nah I was a mess, rubbish hair, rubbish skin and nasty SPD too!! Good job these babies are cute!! lol

  11. I can relate to all of this I think! Ahh why we were never warned of these things - not that we could exactly prepare for it ha ha! Mim :) #BabyBabble


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