4 Things I Pledge To Do Before I'm 34

Yes this week I turn 33 years old. No longer am I in my early 30's, but hurtling towards my MID thirties. Oh the joy! In all seriousness, I'm feeling pretty positive at this stage in my life, despite my life's 'to-do' list hardly being scratched off in recent years. I am lucky enough to have a nice, albeit rented, family home complete with hubby and 2 wonderful children. A steady full time job for the last 8 years, which is feeling more and more like a career with every week that passes. I have a couple of cracking select friends that have stuck by me through some pretty grim times over the years and I know they're there for life, which feels incredibly rewarding. I am even sad enough to rejoice in the fact that I have a newly decorated hall stairs and landing too! Small things count too you know!

This year I have written a list of things that I will do before I hit 34. If I fail to achieve more than one of these, you can spam me with the link until I disappear from the internet for good. That's how serious I am! So, here are my aspirations for the grand old age of 33...

No more back seat driving for me!

I will learn to drive. 

There's no getting away from the fact that this is fast becoming the biggest stumbling block in my day to day life. Yes it will help with work and open doors that I so wish would open, but mainly it's for the kids. With Finley having special needs it is becoming increasingly more difficult to get out and about in normal circumstances, never mind attempting to get away for a weekend break on public transport. I am tired of having to be confined to events or visits that are within a taxi ride's reach. Time to take our freedom in to our own hands. I will learn to drive. Count on it.

I will grow strawberries.

This might sound trivial to some but it's one of the many things I miss about my Dad not being around anymore. It was a tradition to go to Claremont Farm, near us, every summer and strawberry pick. Even when the Grand-kids came along, we still did it. There is no reason why I can get a strawberry planter and make my own, where Finley can get in on the action himself from our own back garden. 

I'm not even on the toy plane FFS!!

I will get my very first passport... might even get on a plane, who knows?!

Yup, I've never ever, in all my years, even been to an airport - never mind been on a plane and gone on an abroad holiday. A lot of people are astounded by this news, like, actually blown away! I've just never been able to afford the passport, never mind the holiday. Well, I'm learning to manage what spare change I have a lot better these days so this is more than do-able if I plan properly. A couple of quid a week; any Christmas or Birthday money, anything I manage to sell etc. then it won't be long before it's in my hands. Winner!

I will make my own bread.

Not only is this the ultimate "Mum's amazing" badge earner, but I am sick of spending several quid a day on bread and getting nothing back in return. It's half eaten butties in the lunch box, crusts not touched on toast... and I don't even get so much as a whiff of home from it. I want my kitchen to smell utterly fantastic, the kids to appreciate what tasty bread really is and eat it themselves, and I'll be more inclined to use the leftovers in something if I know I've made it myself. Less wasteful in my eyes, and something I've always wanted to do anyway so it's a no brainer!

So there we have it. Bookmark this page because you can scratch them off come this time next year, I guarantee it. I want to know if you ever got to an age where you thought 'enough is enough', or what made you bite the bullet and get shit done? 

3 Simple Ways To Convince Your Other Half To Join Your Healthy Quest

I bet you swore to 'get healthy' on January first? And, I bet that's mostly gone to pot now we're nearing February? Well don't beat yourself up!! It can be ridiculously difficult to find the motivation to make positive lifestyle changes. You might be finding that the last few pounds you want to shift are stubborn, your desire to head to the gym is slowly (possibly swiftly!) slipping away, and you have little time to yourself to recharge your batteries and clarify your thoughts. Welcome to the world of motherhood! This is me on a daily basis, despite the full support of my husband. However, it can be even trickier if your other half, through no fault of their own, is unsupportive. They may eat everything you can't the carb heavy foods you are trying to avoid, be naturally slim and have never needed to diet or they just may not understand what you are trying to achieve. Don't forget, we're perfect in their eyes! Anyway, take a look at these ways in which you can get your other half on side to help you fulfil your health mission.

Talk To Your Partner

It sounds simple, but it’s vital that you have a heart to heart with your nearest and dearest. You need to explain to them that while you are trying to implement a healthy balanced diet, you can’t have them bringing in a takeaway pizza after a particularly stressful day at work on a Friday evening, as much as it appeals to you. The chances are that they will be mortified that their actions are giving you such a hard time and breaking your will to succeed. You never know, your other half may be so enamoured with your drive that they decide to join you in your quest. You can then spur one another on to shift the pounds, tone up and get fitter. 

Allow Them To Take On A Protective Role

When out and about, it can be especially hard to stick to your new lifestyle plan. You know that heading to your best friend’s birthday meal is going to be tough. However, with your newly informed partner by your side, you will find things a whole lot easier. As you sit down for a meal with friends, you can work out the healthiest things to eat and share a dessert with your loved one, rather than foregoing it altogether. It’s vital that you understand the value of everything in moderation rather than banishing treats forever. That is where we all go wrong at some point in our dieting lives!

With your other half in your corner, they can help you resist the temptation of a crafty cigarette or an extra glass of wine. Instead, they’ll relish taking on a protective role and encourage you to explore healthier alternatives. You could visit this website to research vaping, rather than succumbing to tar filled nasties. Sipping on mineral water or lime and soda will be arduous when others around you are enjoying your favourite tipple, but you’ll feel better for it in the morning when you wake up with a clear head.

Show Off

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with showing your partner just how much progress you are making. If you’re shifting a pound a week, eating healthier and toning up, there’s no way your loved one won’t notice the difference. You won’t just appear slimmer or be wearing more flattering clothes, but you’ll feel more confident, your skin will be glowing, and your whole demeanour will be more positive and optimistic. This change could be enough for your partner to want to get in on the action and accompany you to your next spin class or boxercise session. If not, show him your moves when you get home - he'll soon be interested!

Getting healthy is difficult, hell, I know that more than others, but especially if you feel like you have a long, never-ending road ahead of you. However, with the support of your partner, you could find that road appears shorter and more manageable. Have that chat and start afresh whenever you're both ready. Don't stress, be happy. That was my New Year's resolution, to stop being so down on myself if I make poor decisions, I'm learning to love myself like never before. Why don't you too?

This post is collaborative and may contain affiliate links. It also contains some pretty good advice :)

7 Things Sacred To A Girl's Night In

Ok guys. It's Friday, the week's been long and we deserve a break! But, alas, it's the weekend before payday so any extravagant plans of dolling up and heading out are gone with the wind!

Every time I have a girls night in, the same stuff happens regardless of whichever girlfriend I'm with. It can't just be me, it must be every single one of us, surely?!!

Let's see what you think...

1. "We'll take it slow"

Yeah sounds like a plan. Single voddies all night, no problem! Three drinks later there's more vodka in the glass than air in the kitchen. Who needs mixers by 10pm?!

2. "Remember the time when..."

What is it with bevvies and memory lane? The same shit is funny every, single, time! Is it just me or do we not even make new memories any more? It's all about the good old days.

3. "Hold that thought, I need a wee... you coming with?"

The conversation is that intense... it's suddenly perfectly acceptable to follow your bestie and sit on the edge of the bath whilst they pee. 

4. "Sorry to interrupt you..."

Dominant speaker. There's always one!! Wouldn't have it any other way though would you. Gives us more drinking time and stops the conversation getting out of hand... or does it...

5. "OMG stick the Spice Girls on!"

Yes this is me haha!

Is there anything quite as enjoyably pathetic as that "whoooooo do you think you are" solo, followed by your best bitch doing the Mel C bit straight after? "Do you THINK YOU ARE?!"

6. "What was my point?"

Talk about going off on a tangent. One thing leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to utter verbal chaos that wouldn't know a point of conversation if it jabbed them in the boob. 

7. "What shall we eat?"

With all the good intentions in the world, that diet is out of the window. Sod the pre-planned hummous and carrot sticks and sod the fact that it's so close to payday - there's always wriggle room for pizza!

Hit me with your regular going's on, let's see how many I've missed out...!

8 Thing You Can Do Thanks To The Internet

Image Credit: Pexels

The internet is massive. An absolute whopper of wonder, right at our finger tips. The sheer number of things that you can do in the internet is growing all the time. Back in the day, when MSN Messenger & MySpace were about all our devices and minds could take, we couldn't have dreamed of such a phenomenon! I love the fact that our kids will grow in such a digital age, and let's face it, it comes in handy for us as well.

Want to learn? 

Gone are the days where we had to go to back to school or college after work, or worse... spend time in a library at the weekends! Nowadays, you just switch on the PC. Yup, websites like Udemy allow you to buy online courses that you can do from your computer. These can be on how to code, learn a language, use software or even on writing skills. There's a massive variety of things that you can learn about on Udemy, so if you are interested in bettering yourself then you should check it out. Countless universities and colleges also offer some online resources for people looking to learn. You can browse or even take online courses at the university or college of your choice, not just wherever is closest like before the days of the internet.

Buy and Sell?

OK, so this is likely nothing you didn’t already know. However, the vast variety of stores that you can visit, and range of products that you can buy, is insane. And it is growing every day as new websites are made and new companies become established. You can buy anything from your weekly shop to electrical products and hair products, to books or even cars. Websites like Ebay allow you to sell your own things online easily, so you can get rid of unwanted items and make some money at the same time.Whereas, sites like Etsy let you sell your own handmade items and make some money from your craft hobby. 


Reading online is the most obvious point on this list. You are doing it right now. You’ve likely done it an uncountable number of times. There are so many news websites, blogs and other types of written content on the internet for you to enjoy that it is almost impossible to comprehend. If you have an interest in a topic, then there is likely a dedicated website for your chosen interest. You can even read fiction online thanks to things like Kindle and the ability to download e-books. Whether you have an app on your phone or an actual Kindle device, each of them needs to connect to the internet in order to download books and allow you to buy new ones.

Need Prescriptions?

You can order your doctors prescriptions through the internet. This means that you no longer need to go into your GP surgery in order to request your prescriptions. Instead, you can order your NHS prescriptions online. All you need to do is fill out a simple form and you can get 'em. This is much easier and quicker as you don’t need to organize visiting your doctor. Simples!

Social Media

Social media has taken the world by storm. Facebook is enormous and so is Twitter. Not forgetting Instagram and Pinterest that have their own massive user-ship as well. Social media might have started small, but it is now something that plenty of people spend huge amounts of time on each day. (I, for one, am forever being told "Put down the phone, Jo!"). Maybe we're getting our news through it, talking to other people, sharing thoughts and images, or just reading other people’s comments. Social media is mahoosive, and categorically one of the most popular things on the internet. Most businesses and companies now use social media as the first point of contact with customers and as their main way of communicating with them. If you have a problem with something, head to social media and get that problem fixed as soon as possible. Previously, we had to send an email and that could take a while to get seen and addressed... or worse, ignored!

Making moolah!

We touched on making money in the shop section, but making money on the internet goes much further than having an online store or selling things on eBay. You can do freelance work through the internet. Some people have their entire jobs done through the internet. This might be through using freelance sites like Fiverr or making videos on YouTube, or running a blog and writing articles. If you have a skill, then you can likely find a use for it on the internet. Most job listings are now on the internet, so if you want a new job then you can apply and research positions through the internet. This makes the process quick and easy to do. You can also complete things like online surveys for money. They aren’t going to make you rich, but they can be a nice bit of extra income to treat yourself with. A lot of these can be done through a tablet or smartphone. This means that they are perfect for sitting down in front of the TV to complete. I do a lot of surveys for the odd Love2Shop voucher or amazon cards - great to bank for birthday prezzies for people!

Game much?

A lot people play games on the internet. This might be through downloading on to their computer or video games console. They might also take part in online play. These are games like Call of Duty and World of Warcraft. Whilst this isn't for me, people can play with their friends and talk to them through the internet, which seems to keep them happy! However, playing games on the internet isn’t just these kinds of thing. If you have a smartphone, then you can download apps through the internet to play wherever you are. This might be something like Candy Crush (wish I never started - obsessed isn't the word!), Angry Birds or Clash Royale. All of these are different, but can only be played thanks to the internet. This means that you don’t need an expensive video games console in order to play fun games using the internet. Happy days.

Couch potato?

You can watch TV through internet. I mean who would ever have thought that this was possible?! This might be using a streaming service like Netflix or you might want live TV through a website on the internet. BBC iPlayer offers a service where you can stream live TV through your internet. This is great if you don’t have access to your actual TV as you won’t miss your favourite shows or breaking events. Netflix allows you to stream all kinds of TV shows and movies whenever you want. All you need is a connection to the internet. NOW TV is a favourite with Carson, in his bedroom, because he gets all his fave Nickelodeon shows without having to ask for control of the sky box downstairs. Again, very happy days!

I wonder what will be next... 

This post is collaborative and may contain affiliate links
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