With every midwife, health visitor, neighbour, thing with a pulse, comes the obligatory pity filled fake caring coo of "So, how are we?"
What more can I do than smile, shrug my shoulders and go "Yeah! Good thanks" When realistically both them and I already know. Oh they can tell alright! Boiled crap is on a par with how I feel and most probably how I look - if I got half a chance to check my bad self out in the mirror that is.
Sheesh, I moaned about no sleep during pregnancy... what an idiot hahaha!
When I've had all of 45 minutes of sleep, collectively, by 4.40am and I feel like tearing my hair out and contemplating shedding every last tear I can muster... I somehow manage to smile. I get a moments peace between cries for the umpteenth bottle when that calm brief gaze of eye contact between me and baby happens ... I smile. I wouldn't change my crap-like physical and mental juxtaposition for anything in the world. I'm one lucky lil lady and I'll never forget it either... despite coming close when I'm cup-handed catching fluorescent yellow poo mid nappy change.
Who cares that I stink of baby sick and have ragged back hair because I don't. And anyone who does, isn't worth knowing in my opinion. The reality is, that "Yeah, Good thanks" is just enough of an answer to cover the mega-spectrum of ups and downs that new mums go through, without me having to bore them to death with feed times and bowel movements. (Babies bowel movements that is - just to be clear!)
So, let's face it, the question is rhetorical.
They don't actually expect you to answer in any other way.
So I let my, typically British, trait of politeness commence, bear those teeth and go... "Yeah! Good Thanks!" whilst I do my inner cringe, holding back on the major, minor details!
What more can I do than smile, shrug my shoulders and go "Yeah! Good thanks" When realistically both them and I already know. Oh they can tell alright! Boiled crap is on a par with how I feel and most probably how I look - if I got half a chance to check my bad self out in the mirror that is.
Sheesh, I moaned about no sleep during pregnancy... what an idiot hahaha!
When I've had all of 45 minutes of sleep, collectively, by 4.40am and I feel like tearing my hair out and contemplating shedding every last tear I can muster... I somehow manage to smile. I get a moments peace between cries for the umpteenth bottle when that calm brief gaze of eye contact between me and baby happens ... I smile. I wouldn't change my crap-like physical and mental juxtaposition for anything in the world. I'm one lucky lil lady and I'll never forget it either... despite coming close when I'm cup-handed catching fluorescent yellow poo mid nappy change.
Who cares that I stink of baby sick and have ragged back hair because I don't. And anyone who does, isn't worth knowing in my opinion. The reality is, that "Yeah, Good thanks" is just enough of an answer to cover the mega-spectrum of ups and downs that new mums go through, without me having to bore them to death with feed times and bowel movements. (Babies bowel movements that is - just to be clear!)
So, let's face it, the question is rhetorical.
They don't actually expect you to answer in any other way.
So I let my, typically British, trait of politeness commence, bear those teeth and go... "Yeah! Good Thanks!" whilst I do my inner cringe, holding back on the major, minor details!