Sibling Likeness - lookalikees!

I look at Finley, now just 9 days old, and I cannot get my head around the fact that he is an entirely different person to Carson.

Sounds utterly ridiculous but the likeness between the two as babies is so extraordinary that I get a pang of deja vu every time I look at his pinchable lil cheeks and his blue, but dark, eyes.

Just look at these and tell me you don't think they're the absolute spitting image of each other!!.....

Photo: Wow!! Uncanny!!

Uncanny or what?!

Photo: Can't get over the likeness between Carson and Finley...
Carson's photo on left, Finley on right!

It's kinda nice in a way because I literally feel my heart pound with the love I have for them both. They're just a special and precious as each other.

Did any of you other second time mum/dad/aunty/uncle find this?

Would love to hear your thoughts on sibling likeness - whether it's as emotion provoking for you as it appears to be for me (could very well still be hormones with me though lol!)


  1. There both adorable! can't believe how much they look alike :)


  2. Oh wow! They look so alike! So adorable!
    My girls look so alike too....Very hard to tell the difference between them on old photos x

  3. They look so alike! Both equally as cute though! I used to have a similar thing with my two sisters, we all look pretty similar even now but much more so as babies x

  4. aw how cute , i can definintly see the resemblence i have done this with ours too x

  5. They DO look similar. My girls look nothing like each other, but Lowen is the spit of me as a baby!


  6. Oh wow. That's amazing, two little cuties!! xxx

  7. Yes, Noah is the spitting image of Jacob! x

  8. wow they really are the spit of each other, two very cute little guys x

  9. Yup - my two boys were almost identical at birth and if I just look at the pictures of them I can only tell them part by the clothes we are wearing as one was a summer baby and one a winter one! They are however VERY different in character.

  10. So cute, they really do look like twins Olivia thought they were both Carson x

  11. I have photos of my son and grandson when young and I sometimes forget which is which. However now my grandson is nearing his eleventh birthday I cannot see the likeness.

  12. Wow, my girls were identical twins, and even they looked pretty different at a few days old! You have two totally adorable little boys, so cute. :)

  13. adorable! so so alike! i can't wait to see how our new baby will look in comparison to our son!

  14. Wowwww they're so similar, what beautiful babies!! I love the fact that I look quite like my brothers :) xx #babybabble

  15. Oh my gosh, they are uncanny! It's not even just the way they look but their expressions too.

    Thanks for hosting #babybabble xx

  16. Wow so similar! My two looked really similar at first but as Little I is getting set she is changing so much and becoming her own little person. #babybabble

  17. Yes - the absolute double! both very cute too =)



    Follow me too? Oh So Gawjess

  18. there is something there, well obviously they are brothers))


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