#BabyBabble this week

Helloooo and welcome to another week of #BabyBabble.

Can't wait to get reading your updates, it's a highlight of my week, I tell you. My fave was Sparkles & Stretchmarks "Mummy Madness" ... I ruddy hate Peppa so to see her in a target shot pic was somewhat satisfying LOL. Go check it out HERE if you haven't already done so.

Join this week's #BabyBabble linky by commenting on this post, grabbing the badge or link back to Coming from Carson's Mummy (whichever you prefer!). Then, simply add your post to the linky widget below. 
I'll give you all a shout-out on twitter and promise to comment on every single one who follows the linky rules :-) Please remember to comment on other bloggers linking up. This linky is all about giving some blog love, thus receiving some back.

I could have written a bajillion posts for this but am storing some back for the rest of the month in case I have a boring couple of weeks as far as baby blog topics go! I have decided to link to a post I wrote, just yesterday, about Finley having FHS (Flat Head Syndrome/Plagiocephaly). It's an important topic IMO so would really appreciate your comments/hints/tips this week (even more than usual - if that's possible?!) So you'll find mine linked up at number 1 below, go check it out then link your post up too.


Remember, sharing is caring. So go ahead and tweet, facebook, g+ or scream from the rooftops. 
Spread the word to get your posts seen on this weeks linky!

1 comment:

  1. There are so many great mummy blogs out there! I love hayleys blog defo agree there xx


I love hearing from you guys. Whether you agree, disagree or just have something to add - just fire away!

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