Introducing the Diet Chef 4 Week Plan #TeamDietChef

Continuing with my weight loss journey, I have been so amazingly lucky enough to be part of a blogger outreach in participating in a 28 day trial of the Diet Chef Experience!!

Basically, my food for the month is delivered direct to my door, handy or what? No calorie counting, no meal planning, no lengthy sessions in the kitchen preparing and cooking diet foods - Breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack is all provided. You don't even have to refrigerate as the meals are heat sealed and pressure cooked in their packaging, so they tend to have a long shelf life meaning you can store in the cupboard.

This is what a whole month of food looks like from Diet Chef...

carsonsmummy weightloss, diet chef one month delivery

Diet Chef advise that with 1200 calories a day - spread across the 4 meals of the day - you can look at losing up to 2lbs a week. The 4 week plan is ideal if you have less than a stone to lose and will cost you £8.45 per day. Of course, they do longer plans and then your costs are much less. The more you buy, the more you save... and, well, the more you lose (weight that is!) Check out their plans and special offers right HERE

Let's break it down...


carsonsmummy weightloss, diet chef one month delivery, breakfast


carsonsmummy weightloss, diet chef one month delivery, lunches


carsonsmummy weightloss, diet chef one month delivery, snacks

And dinners...

carsonsmummy weightloss, diet chef one month delivery, dinners

I'm starting this as of today so weigh-in's will be on Tuesday's in future - just so it is a fair reflection of the plan.

So, as yesterday's weigh day confirmed, my current weight is 16st 12lbs.

I'll post again in a few days with some meal reviews for you - I can't wait to get cracking so wish me luck!!

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  1. Looks like you mean business, well done! Must make it easier getting it all delivered! :)

  2. Good luck on your journey.

    I'm not convinced on the wisdom of these plans though - it would be much cheaper to make it yourself, and it needn't require lengthy stints in the kitchen either.

  3. Good luck Jo can't wait to see how you get on xx

  4. Thank you so much for commenting on my post its great for us to all support each other. I have just been reading through your older posts congratulations on your weight loss so far and good luck on this part of your journey. We both have new babies too so I understand how hard it is to loose the weight when you have had a baby.
    Good luck this week. I am about to just post my week 4 results.
    Jen xxx

  5. wow a lot of food! good luck hun, I have struggled with diets like this currently trying the 5:2 diet and loving it.


  6. Wow, what a lot of stuff to sort out. Looks like you should have plenty of choice.


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