Mini Milestone - We Have a Roller! #BabyBabble

Mini milestone this week at 21 weeks - we have a full blown back to front roller!

He's been trying for ages to do so, but always got his arm stuck and got incredibly frustrated. I tried to record it but it wasn't happening so I dedicated a few hours to snapping pics instead, then Photogrid lets you turn them into a video/slideshow thingymabob.

Well done Finley, super proud! Hopefully it works below so you can see him in action..

Time to get baby proofing... already!


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Last week's winner was:
Purely because I've never heard of it before and it actually made me go "Whaaaaaat?!" 
Email me your address hun :-)

Catriona (Loved by Mummy
Still waiting to hear from you as well regarding your win the week before... 
give us a shout :-)


  1. Aww yay, well done Finley! Big step! :) xx

  2. Go Finley! well done on getting it on camera too! Reminds me of trying to film my belly moving and it always stops! haha


    Follow me too? Oh So Gawjess

  3. That's such a lovely feeling when you see them learn something new. He will be grabbing at everything he shouldn't before you know it ;)

  4. He did it! That's the end of you knowing he'll still be where you left him when you put him down!


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