Clean 9 : Day 6!

From day 3 on the Clean 9 programme I have increased my calorific intake considerably by introducing an extra shake (for breakfast) and a 600kcal meal (for dinner). So, whilst I have lost weight in the past 3 days it has slowed down, understandably!

The Aloe Vera gel is, instead of easier, getting harder to drink. This morning I gagged and brought some of it back up again. Rather than stopping taking it (because the nutrients are far too great to lose in this low cal diet), I'm going to add a shot of honey to it at lunch to try and detract from both taste and texture - I'll let you know how that turns out!

My new fave way of having the shake is by warming the milk on the hob then adding to the powder in the shaker.  A surprisingly creamy hot chocolate. Fab for this colder weather we're finally having. 

Here are my Day 6 stats, including measurements for arm, waist, hip, thigh and chest; then my weight is at the bottom.

Down 6lbs and 7.5 inches in just 6 days!

Just 3 more days left, I wonder how I end up. Any guesses? If anyone gets the total inches and weight correct, I'll send you a little gift :)

Did you enter the competition in my Day 3 post too? 
Go enter before it closes!


  1. Never heard of this program! :0
    It seems to be working great!

  2. wowza you're doing fab!! I'm about to start diet chef which is based on calories, so it'll be intersting to see how that goes!
    Great to see othre diets going well, well done you!!


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