Need, Need, Got, Need, Got....

I'm talking sticker albums!

I fondly remember spending my whole playtimes in primary school shuffling through stickers with fellow collectors - premier league ones, specifically.  The sheer joy at seeing your friend having a Shiny that you needed, but trying to act all cool, calm and sooo not arsed if they turn down your entire stack in return for it - ahhhh those were the days.

Anyway, Carson's finally got a new obsession, having had everything Spongebob for circa 4 years, we're now shifting over to TMNT. How excited I was to see that hubs went out and bought him the trading cards album!

I have been telling him all about 'need, got, got, need' but he just doesn't get it and I'm gutted! Those really were the days for my generation as a kid. These days, kids can teach parents how to find, install and use an ipad app (this is scarily true!) but the simpler things in life seem too much of an effort.

Don't get me wrong, he loves his cards and album - he just doesn't see why people would play swapsies because"that's not a game".

Is this typical for all kids? Or does collecting and swapsies still happen? I really hope that it's just his age and "need, need, got, need" still rings around the parks and playgrounds of today!


  1. Not having grown up here I don't know this game. But children and sharing / swapping? Good luck.

  2. i remember stickers and cards swaps so well, my little one love stickers!

  3. I am sure he will get the hang of it. you could try asking other mums at school if their kids have the same collection so you can get them together for for swapsies

  4. We have piles of 'swaps' and currently 2 sticker books on the go although I don't think we have the right ones for carson x

  5. My children love their Panini sticker albums but don't understand swaps yet!


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