Sterilisers for Travelling by Milton *Review*

Not being able to drive and baby's arrival imminent - I've been thinking hard about what I used to moan about when Carson was a baby. What was I always forgetting in the change bag?

Well, when Milton offered me the chance to take a look at the following products, it certainly helped jog my memory!


milton travel sterilisers

These help solves every parent's dilemma - what to do with a dropped dummy or even a spoon whilst feeding? 

This nifty little gadget cleans and sterilises dummies in less than 15 minutes, plus provides a safe and sterile place to store a spare dummy when you are out and about.
The Velcro strap has been designed so you can attach the Mini to the pushchair when out and about which is absolutely perfect for someone like me!

The wet sponges inside freaked me out at first, but they are supposed to be damp DO NOT WORRY that it's yackies.

Simply pop a mini sterilising tablet in the ball with water to dissolve, stack the sponges back inside - with the holey one at the top - and twist the teat of the dummy inside that hole to clean it.
Screw the lid back on leave for 15 mins and wallah! Sterilised dummy!

What's best about this, is you can use the steriliser as often as you need in any 24 hour period. As long as the dummy remains in the solution for 15 minutes each time, it will be sterilised.

Retailing at just £5.20 from John Lewis, it's a germaphobes dream at a pittance really isn't it? 

The main benefit of this product, for me, is being able to attach it to the pushchair with a dummy stored inside, entirely eliminating the need for panic stations if baby has a meltdown due to a lost or dropped soother. PHEEEW!!

The Milton Solo Travel Steriliser - this is a 2-in–1 microwave or cold water single bottle steriliser. It is ideal for sterilising when travelling or away from home.

It sterilises from 2 minutes in the microwave and in 15 minutes with cold water - if unused within those 15 minutes the contents can remain stored in the steriliser for up to 24 hours anyway.

It safely sterilises most makes and sizes of bottles and also small baby equipment such as teethers and plastic toys so call it a universal travel steriliser. Bit of a Brucie Bonus if you ask me!

I used to buy a fair few steri-bottles with Carson. You know the ones I mean? The disposable pre-sterilised bottles? But, from memory, it was setting me back approx 4 quid for every couple of bottles.

Even if the cost has changed dramatically reduced for disposable bottles these days, at just £8.20 from Amazon or John Lewis I really don't know how you cannot afford to go out and buy one of these. 

This is a MUST for my change bag and having tested it out, albeit without baby at the mo, I can see no issues that this product will bring, regardless of it being too large to stand in my microwave - as the instructions confirm that it can be laid on it's side. Just remember to always ensure the safety vent it popped down to prevent leakage!

It's perfect to pop into the change bag and the practicalities are there for all to see.

I'm so pleased that I have had the chance to review these products as without having done so I don't think I'd have thought they were up to much given their very low cost. Thank you Milton!

I am buzzing about these and 100% recommend to any travelling parent out there. 'Spesh ones that don't drive and a change bag is super important to them whilst out and about on foot.

My sister is about 17 weeks pregnant at the mo... don't tell her, but I think I know what I'm gunna be buying her for my niece's arrival!!

Disclaimer: These items were kindly gifted to me for the purposes of trying them out. I have not been paid for this post, and as always these opinions are my own.
We're going on an adventure


  1. These look great Jo very handy aren't they! I used to hate it when Liv dropped her dummies all the time! I think your sis will love these too :) #TriedTested

  2. This looks so handy, I can imagine it will get lots of use :) hope you are well!

    Gem x

  3. These look really handy to have, thanks for sharing #Tried&Tested

  4. Great review hun, my best friend literally had her 3rd baby yesterday, I will definitely forward you blog link :)


  5. Very handy products, perfect for our next little one when going to my Zmums caravan at the weekends :)

  6. They look so handy! I could of done with the Travel Steriliser when my girls were younger. So useful x

  7. I've never tried any Milton stuff but we're going away soon and there's no way I'm taking out massive steriliser.


  8. Great review - My mum had a milton sterilizer when I was a baby! I still buy their products now!

  9. Fabulous product

  10. Love Milton products - we always have the hand sanitiser and a packet of the wipes to hand.

  11. Looks good. I've never tried these myself, they weren't known when my daughter used a dummy sadly, would have come in handy!

  12. this looks fab; im ocd with hygene and hate seeing mums or dads pick up dropped dummys suck them clean then give back to baby, so the dummy steriliser is a fab idea.

  13. Lovely comp (as usual) :) Thanks x x x

  14. Pam Francis Gregory24 October 2014 at 10:36

    Great products

  15. I can't even begin to describe how handy a travel steriliser would be!

  16. I used Milton sterilising fluid when my son was a baby, 3 decades ago, and we went to visit my husband's relatives in India (even more unhygeinic then than it is now!). I dread to think what nasties he would have caught if I had not been able to sterilise things. The only drawback was having to pack the Milton liquid, which in those days came in glass bottles. This handy travel steriliser kit, with tablets, sounds so much more convenient.

  17. Fantastic products. So handy to take with you when out

  18. great products, takes a little worry out of leaving the house!

  19. This looks great. I worry about quality with things with a low price tag so great to read your reviews

  20. Love milton products has been around for years and years so you know its reliable

  21. Fantastic products couldnt ask for any better

  22. I love the safety vent technology on the travel steriliser -so innovative and reassuring and at such a reasonable price

  23. Great products would be very handy for taking my little gt nephew out and about when his mummy is at work

  24. Always great products :)

  25. This is a fantatic product, you can't beat Milton for quality and enjoyed reading your very thorough review

  26. A great idea and great products

  27. Great idea :) my daughters forever dropping her dummy on the floor.

  28. @FCWedding on twitter
    I had no idea that you can buy travel sterilisers! I really love it. I have been using my huge one that you put in the microwave,this is such as great price too, I'm going to get one. Thanks for sharing.

  29. I love the travel steriliser, so handy!

  30. A travel steriliser would come in handy for us next year. Baby is due in April and we're going on holiday in June so this would be perfect.

  31. I am a big fan of the soother steriliser

  32. Great review & great giveaway

  33. Thanks for the great review, this seems like a fab idea, really handy!

    kirstyjfox AT yahoo DOT com

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