Infacol & the Colic Clinic

Now, I don't know about you but I swore by Infacol with Carson - once I discovered it, that is! The panic, as a new mum especially, of having your child just scream and not settle is exceptionally intense. And, more often that not, things seemed worse at night leaving the mum/dad/siblings feeling helpless.

Colic affects up to one in four babies and often associated with crying fits that last for 3 hours or more. Poor mites. Trying to soothe baby isn't usually affective which can add to the stress of the parents which, of course, baby can then also sense. It's a horrid time when baby has colic and can genuinely be really upsetting - especially for new mums who've not experienced it before.

For the reasons above, and being 5 weeks away from giving birth (eeep!) I was very excited to hear that Infacol, Britain's number 1 selling infant colic remedy, have announced a new web app that aims at reassuring those worried about colic - regardless of the time of day.

Introducing.... The World's First Visual Colic Clinic for Parents!!

The Clinic is the first of it's kind and offers a new way for parents to get immediate advice and support 24 hours a day. Watch video response answers to important questions about dealing with colic, either through your tablet, desktop or smartphone.

"We know that anxious parents are turning more to online research as GPs are unavailable late into the evening - which is when colic can hit. Infacol want to give new mums and dads someone to turn to when in need of this extra support and guidance, at any time of the day or night" 
Nikki Khan, Infacol's Expert Midwife.

If you're not sure that baby has colic, you will also find the 'Is It Colic?' test, which is 10 simple yes/no questions to go through first.

The 24/7 Vitual Colic Clinic works by encouraging parents to choose from 50 of the most commonly asked questions around colic from a drop down menu. You can also type your own! The questions are then answered instantly via video response from Nikki Kahn.

The Virtual Colic Clinic can be accessed at and I think the more parents who know about this the better. Afterall, on average, first-time mums take 16 trips to the doctors per year, with colic being in the top three concerns of new mums.

Remember, sharing is caring, so why not hit the tweet or facebook share buttons below and get the word around?

This is not a sponsored post, it is a topic that its of great importance in my opinion (but I did receive a couple of cookies with my press pack, thank you very much! #nomnom)


  1. Such a horrible thing colic Olivia had it quite back but not for too long always at teatime. It's good there is now more help and advice on this

    1. yeah at least parents don't have to tear their hair out at night only to call the GP in the morning and get no appointment anyway (as is typical these days!!) x

  2. It's so important that they're more posts around like this, I've never heard of it before!
    Sounds like an amazing site though. xx

  3. Such a great and informative post, thank you.

  4. Aww this sounds fab. Both my kids suffered from colic and you can sometimes feel so helpless because of it. I think this will be a great first point of contact for new mums :)

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper | An Undomestic Goddess

    1. i really think it will be helpful, thanks for commenting louise x


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