Appreciating where you're from

It's so easy to take your home town for granted isn't it?

I want to really drum it in to Carson and bump that, yes we moan about the area at times, but we're actually super lucky to live here in the lovely seaside town of New Brighton.

Once the UK's most popular holidaying resort - we even had a tower (like Blackpool) and its' ballroom that hosted The Beatles gigs many years ago - I never appreciated what we had on our own doorstep until I see 'city folk' wishing they were near a beach for just one day.

I guess you absorb your surroundings in as 'normal' as opposed to being special - until you have the time to just stop. Watch. Open your eyes and ears and FEEL what is around you. Well, that's what I did today. I even took a few photos of the view - something I have never done! And I was, honestly, hit with 'wow' moment.

This post is just to show my pictures really, but also as a little nudge to all of you guys to appreciate where you're from. Enjoy....

Do you have anything special round your way? Do you even realise it?! I'd love to hear your stories. xx


  1. Agree. We should never forget where our roots are and once we look around, I bet many of us will find a lot of hidden gems in our neighborhood.

  2. My home town is Doncaster. I don't live there now, but I grew up there and all my family are still there. There is an amazing wildlife park =)

    Corinne x

  3. It looks stunning. I would love to live by the sea. One day!

  4. aww you post our little seaside town in such a lovely light! Yes I admit I do forget how special it is and how nice it is to be able to bring our kids up 'by the beach'

    1. Wow those pictures of new brighton look so cool! Love Olivia

  5. It's looks lovely! You're so right to appreciate where you live, I love the village where we live and always feel "home" as soon as I drive into it. xx

  6. Great reminder to stop & look around, thank you. Beautiful photos x

  7. Great reminder to appreciate what's around you. Your photos are lovely - I'd love to live by the sea! #sharewithme

  8. Your town is beautiful. Love the water! I live in Nashville, TN, home to country music. There are a lot of interesting things to do that I forget about until visitors come! :) #sharewithme

  9. Amazing photos! I sometimes drive back to when I grew up it's only about half an hour away from where I live now I hope the girls will have fond memories here too :) x

  10. Lovely! I love a seaside town!! #sharewithme

  11. This is so lovely. Great place to be from. It's always nice to visit HOME. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me and introducing me to your lovely blog. #sharewithme

  12. I never truly appreciated my home town till I grew up and moved away. Now every time I go back to York I'm struck by what a beautiful city it is and how lucky I am to have grown up there and have a reason to visit!

  13. pictures looks awesome. i love lighthouses but never saw one yet. #sharewithme

  14. Ha- you're so close to me! New Brighton has loads of fab stuff going on. We're heading over there tomorrow infact. Absolutely agree you need to appreciate where you're from. The Wirral is gorgeous. ;-)

  15. I don't live too far from where a grew up but I do appreciate the fact I had a huge city park on the doorstep, the space centre and a museum all fab days out for the boys I love the pictures they are fab great post #sharewithme


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