Fun for Free!

Now, there's just nothing like a bit of fun that doesn't break the bank, but if you're anything like me (unimaginative and unable to drive) then you'll struggle to come up with something new.

Here are my top 2 fun for free mummy-toddler things to do (which also happen to encourage healthy living... happily coinciding with my life mission!!):

1. Strawberry picking.

OK, granted you can't do this at any opportunity; it can't be chucking it down, strawberries are only in season for a select couple of months per year etc. But let me tell you, Carson LOVES it!
We go to Claremont Farm in Clatterbridge every year *Even when i was a child* and they are usually ready from beginning July to end August. Offering several different varieties, you get to taste the difference and find your own preference (most people aren't aware that there are different flavours/textures to strawbs). Claremont farm also has gooseberries, raspberries and blueberries - of which I don't usually bother. Not that they aren't tasty, just no-one else like them in my family other than me and I'd be scared of having eyes bigger than my belly and having to chuck 'em away! OK so I say it's free, if you want to bring some home with you it's charged at a rate or £2.50 per kg.

Here is a picture of Carson today on our return from strawberry picking.

Best way to get him loving nature is to get him involved!

2. Making/Baking.

It doesn't have to be something super lovely or a mega treat for Carson, just as long as he can help me and has an input as to what goes in the bowl/pan. Homemade soups are fab at the moment as he gets to put in all the veg he loves and at the end we eat it together for tea/lunch.
This is free despite needing ingredients, as you just use what you have in.

Here's one we made earlier:

What are you're favourite things for free to do with your littlun? I do wish I could drive though, it would be sooo much easier to do things if I could!

For now.... toooodle-ooo :-) xxx


  1. As our little one arrived the other day, I can't wait to do fun and free activities such as these. I think it is really important to get kids interested and involved in food from an early age (being a fussy kid myself!) and both fruit picking and cooking help with that!

  2. I'd love to go strawberry picking, unfortunately I don't know anywhere near us that does it - I'll have to ask around! x

  3. Free fun really is the best, we often just go for a walk and there is a little hill, which is really just the side of a footbridge, that monkey loves running down, keeps him entertained for ages lol! X #babybabble

  4. Aw I really can't wait to get out and about again with my little family once this little one arrives!!
    Lianne | TheBrunetteSays...

  5. I think baking is such an important skill to teach wee ones - I learnt so much of my Granny which I still use today!


    Follow me too? Oh So Gawjess

  6. 2 activities that I'm looking forward to doing with my LO this year now she's a bit older. We find a lot of free activities in & around our local town. We go to the free museums, for walks. She can spend ages in the library!


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