#BabyBabble is back, with a chance to win each week!!

#BabyBabble has been away for a few weeks due to the very very difficult time I've been going through recently. I hope you all understand?
I'm getting back to it now and will be blogging more than ever by this time next week so for this week, as a warmer-upper, I'm going to link to an oldie. (You can too you know, don't feel pressured to write something new every week!)

As of next week, I will not only be commenting on and socially sharing each and every post linked up, I will be awarding one random blog linked up with a treat in the post right up until Christmas! By way of thanking you for sticking with me, regardless of the last 3 weeks off.

First little treat will be a sweetcone from Kings Gift Baskets (over on facebook HERE). You can enjoy it yourself, share it with the family, or even put aside for a stocking filler for your littlun. 


So, grab the badge (or link back, whatever you prefer), comment on the post marked "HOST" and at least 3 others and then link yourself up!


Remember, sharing is caring. 
So go ahead and tweet, facebook, g+ or scream from the rooftops. 
Spread the word to get your posts seen on this weeks linky!


  1. Jo my lovely, you are such a superstar! You've had an awful time and everyone will absolutely understand that and be supportive :-) It's great to have you and #BabyBabble back xxx

  2. Hope you're okay, from your post and a previous comment it sounds like you've had a rough time :( I think that's a fab idea linking back to a historic post especially as it's very likely you've gained a new percentage of followers since that particular post & they therefore may not have seen it.xx

  3. Bless you Jo, though don't feel bad if you have to take more time out. Speaking from experience, the pain of losing a loved one never goes away you just learn to live with it and it will get easier xxx

  4. Jo, I've just read your post about your dad. I am so sorry for your very unexpected loss. Sending virtual hugs


I love hearing from you guys. Whether you agree, disagree or just have something to add - just fire away!

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