Hair Dye-lema


So, I realised after my snapshot yesterday that my greys are far too prominent for a mere 27 year old and was set on home tinting my barnet this evening.... I've only gone and lost the one that I KNOW I bought from Boots the other day (Nice n Easy dark brown foam, reduced to just £2.63 - box wasn't damaged or anything, I guess they may be rebranding and wanted rid of old stock? LOVE a bargain me!)

So I have to put up with yet another day of mortifying embarrassment at work.

OMG, why was it not as obvious to me until I saw the picture? Do you think, perhaps, ignorance is bliss in this case - or would you be glad of the blatant beauty shame offending your eyes via a picture?


Diet went well today, think I'm having a strong week in terms of willpower. Had a gorgeous home-made salad that I took to work for lunch and plenty of fruit too. The bourbon cream I had with my coffee doesn't matter because I took the long route home and even got off the bus a stop early. I was quite chuffed it was only the one I had to be honest, considering the packet was left on my desk LOL

I've just realised I called it a 'diet', it's not, it is a healthy eating lifestyle. I point that out because the word diet means restriction and temptation to me. I've tried WW and SW before which are fab, but I find they take too much forward planning and if I had nothing specific in for tea one night and ate 'normally' it would mess up my whole week. Mentally more than physically. There are only 52 times you can say to yourself that you'll start on Monday before a whole year has passed and you still have a whopper staring you back in the mirror. I've never tried a home delivered plan before, I would LOVE that but it's a lot of money and I would be putting all my eggs into one basket I think!

My husbands work colleague gave us a rowing machine today, so that's taking pride of place in the spare room and I can't wait to crack on with that. Yes, I don't have time to go to a gym, but I can bring the gym to me! Would love a cross trainer, put my iPod on and just go for it whilst Carson is in bed and Hubby is on nights. I don't mind if things are second hand. One persons tat is another persons treasure and getting fit will be the only FAT thing in my treasure chest!

One little man who doesn't care if I'm fat or grey....

.... Thanks and goodnight! Jo xxx

1 comment:

  1. That photo of your boy is so sweet. It's nice to have someone in your life that doesn't care how you look.


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