August Winner Announcements...

Guys... So sorry to have kept you all waiting for the last few competition winners. As I'm sure you're all aware, I have been away from the blog for a good couple of weeks due to a very difficult time, which you can read about here if you wish.

Without further delay, here we go...

The 2 winners of the Spilly Spoons are:
> Kay Panayi
> Claire Thomson Little

The 3 winners of the Easybelt giveaway are:
> Kay Lou Smith
> Sid Wales
Rebecca Mpb Phillips

The winner of the £20 amazon voucher is:
> Heather Haigh

The winner of the Theraline Baby Pillow is:
> Tracy K Nixon

Emails will be on their way to you shortly. Mega congratulations to you all!!

For anyone who did not win, don't be discouraged. 

There's always a competition to enter on Coming from Carson's Mummy, just head over to the COMPETITIONS page. 
There's currently an opportunity to win a Shnuggle bath HERE!

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I love hearing from you guys. Whether you agree, disagree or just have something to add - just fire away!, pub-8301510335931825, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0