Feeding baby with Lansinoh's mOmma!

At the age of 10 months, Finley's weaning continues, just as the carpet,walls and bibs take an absolute food-battering! I'll be honest and tell you that I don't understand why parents rush out to buy expensive plastic plates and all singing all dancing rubber spoons at a tenner a pop when Poundland offer just the same at 10% of the cost. 

When a product arises that offers a potential solution to a problem, well then I'm all ears. That's why I agreed to review the mOmma by Lansinoh's Developmental Warm Meal Set and the Baby Bottle Set.

What makes them different to the normal offerings? I hear you all asking. 

Let's start with baby's Meal Set. A dual compartment 'warm plate', called that due to the ability to fill the base with hot water, complete with a weighted spoon and fork (each with caps which double as a handle extender).

The concept of this product is excellent. The filling of the base means baby can't throw it or tip it upside down and for that reason alone, it works for me. The base is also rubbery which means it won't be slid along either.

With regards to keeping food warm though, I have to say I didn't really find this to be the case. When I used warm water, I have to tell you that it made no difference. The next use, I opted for hot water instead. Wowzers - do not use hot water. I picked up the plate and instantly felt the heat in the base. If it made me go 'ow!' then imagine what it would do to baby? 

The good news is though, that the plate is microwave safe - as long as the orange mOmma plug is open, for ventilation. It does leave the bowl stained though - even after a good scrub afterwards.

At £13.99 for the set - Do I think it's worth buying? Tricky question when the 'warm' part of it's name doesn't really live up to expectation however I still say yes as the weighing down, non slide aspect is something I have actively looked for, so there is a definite market for this. I don't mind that it stains and I don't particularly mind that it's not effective in keeping food warm. The rocking fork and spoons genuinely entertained Finley and encouraged him to pick the spoon up to his mouth himself. 

Next up, Lansinoh's mOmma Baby Bottle Set. A bottle suitable for several stages and ages. This one came as something of a breath of fresh air for me as I am getting bored of buying different teats and flows of sippy cups. 

Complete with 3 attachments, this is a bottle with teat, a sippy cup with double handle and a cup with attached straw and single handle. Definitely something that will grown with your child throughout the different weaning stages! 

The bottom is rounded, giving a rocking movement when placed in front of baby - again encouraging him to pick it up and explore. That rounded bottom is also weighted which means whenever Finley smacked the bottle away it didn't fall over, end upside down or spill everywhere. He ended up giving up in hitting it away and either left it be or picked it up and drank from it!

At £20.91 on Amazon at the moment, is it worth it? Absolutely. I would recommend buying this when baby is around 6m old to get the full benefits from all three stages. Bottle with teat at 6m, sippy cup at 9m and, whilst the straw and cup attachment states as suitable from 9m on the box, I don't think Finley will be able to get use of this until around the 12m stage. When he begins to though, there'll be no worry about mess made as the the silicone straw is non-spill and after each use it's hidden securely in the twist lid too.

Have you used these before yourselves? What do you think?

mOmma is part of the Lansinoh family who are dedicated to supporting mums on their journey from throughout pregnancy and beyond. So much so is their dedication, they have launched the Happy Tummy Club where mums and mums-to-be can pick up hints, tips, discounts, offers and more. Why not swing by and sign up - it's free!

I was sent the above items FOC for the purposes of this review. All opinions are my own, as always.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very thorough review, not something that would be relevant to me but great review all the same :) xxx

  3. You know the staining would drive me nuts but I definitely see the positives in this. We used to use a sticky mat and a sucker bottom bowl for our sons -worked a treat.

    Hugs Elyse || www.ladywoolf.com

  4. It seems like a great set, but very expensive. Still if it aids development and helps avoid so much mess, can only be a good thing.


  5. These products look and sound great for little ones, but they are a tad on the expensive side. I don't have children or know anything about children, but this sounds like a good review.

  6. Good idea but a bit on the expensive side

  7. Good idea but bit on the expensive side wish these were around when my kids were little

  8. Awwh these are lovely products! They look easy to clean as well, always a plus in a busy household!

  9. I am liking the bottle, the shape of it makes it stand out but not so sure about the plate. It stains easily and does not really heat up the food.

  10. This is a really refreshingly honest review. If I ever have another child that cup would definitely tempt me as I can't stand spills.

  11. A little bit expensive but sounds great. it's a shame about the staining though - I think that would drive me insane!

  12. I used to think like this to why pay more, however I decided to buy the really expensive set and decided to try them. They are so good and really help my son much more than just the cheap normal spoons and dishes. xx

  13. Good + honest review! I love that you still give honest reviews even when sent the item! Its not relavent to me, but still I love how you have reviewed it! xo

  14. Wonderful review & I value your honesty about the warming aspect of the bowl. Good tip to not put hot water in it! I love the look of the cup & the design. x

  15. These do look bloody useful. It's good that you are honest about the drawbacks of the bowl, too.

  16. Aw that's a shame that the plate stained. That would drive me batty! The bottles and cups look quite good and decent price.

  17. This is so awesome for mom's but especially first time moms.

  18. It's a shame the plate it gets stained so quickly but the bottle sounds fab. A little pricey however x


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