*REVIEW & GIVEAWAY* Theraline Maternity & Nursing Pillow

As I've blogged about recently, SPD and pelvic pain is a condition that affects every aspect of your daily life, and sleeping is definitely the most upsetting as far as I'm concerned.

This made the opportunity to review the Theraline Original Maternity and Nursing Pillow all the more welcome as I'd heard good things, especially as it had also won the Mother & Baby Gold Award for the category of Maternity Product for 2014.

First impressions: IT'S HUGE! 

On arrival of the Pillow I was, firstly, warmed by the design "Flower Field Orange"... cute little ladybugs, butterflies and flowers daintily dotted around. There is nothing remotely industrial-like with this product. For me, this is important. I already feel hindered with the condition of SPD, I don't want to have something ugly to help me through it.
spd relief
 'Flower Field Orange' Design. 
I have to admit that on feeling the pillow with my hands, before using it, I thought it had too little micro-bead filling. There was more length/material than filling, like half a tube of toothpaste... it's not what I was expecting. However, the last thing you want and/or need is a big bulging pillow...
Stretched out - It's nearly as long as the bed!!
The first night I snuggled into the Theraline Maternity Pillow, I was thinking about how to describe it, in type, for this review... I fell asleep before I could and I did not wake for over 5 hours. The most sleep I'd had in any one night, collectively, in the week prior to sleeping with support was 3 hours. So this was like an actual miracle!
To use it I place the bottom curve of the pillow between my legs. It really helps those with SPD because a) it makes rolling over easier but b) gravity doesn't pull you down and in to the mattress, you have support holding your legs in place thus steadying your pelvis.
Pillow between thighs and bump is supported
It's kind of weightless, the pillow moulds to your body so well that you cannot feel it. You only feel the support you're receiving.

I've been using this for 4 nights now, and I'm consistently getting approx 5 hours of undisturbed kip per night. I'm only waking up to go for the obligatory pee, rather than because I'm trying to get to get comfortable. Getting out of bed in any hurry could be a tad difficult because the pillow becomes one with your body, staying firmly in place so you have to remember that it's wedged between your legs before trying to move!

Retailing at £44.95 at John Lewis you don't just get use out of this during your pregnancy, it is perfect for nursing/feeding baby once they've arrived (see stock photo supplied). Additionally, the cover is removable, washable and replaceable as spare covers can be purchased.

Without sleep, you are no one. You can't function. So, my summary...

This is a versatile product with many uses providing ultimate comfort at a time in a woman's life where, sometimes, it feels impossible.

Without shadow of doubt I will be recommending this to all of my expecting friends from this day forth. 
This product has been, and no doubt will continue to be, an absolute godsend. 


With huge thanks to www.johnlewis.co.uk and www.theraline.co.uk it gives me great pleasure to offer one of the Theraline Original Maternity and Nursing Pillow's to one of my readers.

Simply enter via the Rafflecopter app below (without cheating because I do check!) and good luck all xxx

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. never used one but really could have done with one in my last pregnancy x

  2. I haven't used one yet. Would love to! Starting to get really uncomfortable at 30 weeks pregnant. This looks like a godsend! x

  3. I haven't used one, but they look great, especially for supporting the baby during feeding.

  4. no but it looks really useful

  5. I have used one and it was brilliant for sleeping and then after my c-section for propping me up. Going in for another c-section this month so would be perfect again :-)

  6. Theraline pillows are great and really helpful.

  7. I find them tremendous for supporting chronically aching joints.

  8. I haven't but I know people who have and said how good they are.

  9. No i haven't used one before but it looks fab and would love to try, looks so comfortable , thanks for the chance x

  10. No I haven't but I've heard good things about them and am sure it would help with my SPD! (and nursing when baby has arrived) x

  11. I've never used one, but I had a v shaped pillow that seemed to help, but it was really awkward to position this would be so much better

  12. i use two at the moment. they're fantastic. but the only problem is that the balls go a bit flat and i can't find anywhere to buy any refills. do you know of anywhere??

    1. Hi Georgie - contact Theraline direct at sales@theraline.de they should be be able to help with refills.

  13. i wish we had heard of the Theraline Maternity Pillow before my daughter brought a maternity pillow from reviews on amazon and used it for 10 minutes the day she brought it but it was so far it hurt so she threw it away. since reading about Theraline im impressed by comments and reviews so would love to win one for her
    debbie godbolt

  14. Haven't used one before, they look great though! Hoping to get one for my next pregnancy as was soo uncomfortable in my last one!

  15. I haven't tried this brand but would love to

  16. I've never tried one, I usually make do with a few extra pillows but this looks great :-)

  17. I've never tried one but this looks great.

  18. never used, but in need of one as getting more uncomfy when sleep

  19. I've never used one, but I've heard good things, I'd love to try one ... I've got a bad back and I've heard it might help for that :-)

  20. No but my friend has one and loves it

  21. No I have not, but my nephew's fiancee has just had a baby so would love to try out the nursing qualities.

  22. No, but it looks great

  23. No but they look good - I ended up wedging pillows all round me when I was pregnant last time but this would be better.

  24. Yes I have and they are amazing even after having baby they help with relieving my back ache and I also used to have problems with my hips when I was pregnant helped with that too. I wish I still had mine would come in handy right now but lent it to a so called friend of mine and never got it back

  25. Never used one before but am currently 24 weeks and getting more uncomfortable so think I will need one soon!

  26. I haven't used one before, but I did have a different brand when I was pregnant. This one seems much more versatile and of great quality.

  27. Yes and I loved it! During my pregnancy I used it to prop me up in bed as my heartburn was terrible at night!

  28. never used one before but looks comfy and a great idea

  29. I currently use a v shaped pillow but have been thinking about buying something like this as mine just isn't long enough.

  30. I haven't, but have only heard good things about them.

  31. Not used one but have a friend that sings its paraises

  32. I have not used one but my friend has and she loves it

  33. Perfect gift for our daughter

  34. No I haven't, but would love to give this a try. Have been very uncomfortable throughout this pregnancy.

  35. no - have wanted one for a long time though

  36. this would be a great gift for my cousin :) x

  37. I have one and its brilliant, would love to win for my sister in law :)

  38. no but i would love to it looks fantastic

  39. not tried one but with a breastfed baby and an ongoing back problem id love to try!

  40. Never had one but would love to try it for a good night's sleep :)

  41. not used one but looks like it could he;lp with my cureent sleeping problem due to my sore back

  42. ive never used one before but it looks great

  43. yes i used one when pregnant with DS 1 in 2003 :), it was lovely and i'm pregnant again so need another lol x

  44. I have not used one as such but I did use a pretty standard V cushion in my earlier pregnancies

  45. No. I haven't but they look great

  46. I haven't but I have used other V pillows. First for breastfeeding my son and then to ease the SPD with my daughter (same way as you) and I now use one for general Fibro comfort to try and get into as nice a comfy position as I can xx (Gail Reid)

  47. I haven't but it looks really useful

  48. Nope - but at 32 weeks it looks soooo comfy!

  49. Yes, very supportive and comfortable

  50. Not used one but I can see how great it would be

  51. I have not used one but would love to try it .

  52. No but after SPD in my last pregnancy I'll definitely be trying one next time.

  53. No I haven't tried one i just used a normal pillow with my first pregnancy so would be interesting to try one this pregnancy

  54. No I haven't but would really love too!

  55. No i haven't. looks fab though. x

  56. I haven't used one before, but am currently 25 weeks pregnant and would really like to try one!

  57. Never used one before. Never even seen anything this shape before. I'm currently struggling with what can only be described as the longest pillow in the world, Have been trying to stuff it under my bump and between my legs. Now I realise I'm trying to mimic the exact shape of this genius pillow!

  58. I haven't used one before but would love to try one. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and so far not having trouble sleeping, but I know from my previous pregnancies that when my bump gets bigger, getting comfortable is a total nightmare and I spent hours a night tossing and turning and propping pillows undermy bump :-(

  59. No I have never tried one -but would like to

  60. I haven't used one, no, but I have heard that they can be really good for people who suffer with fibromyalgia, as I do, as it's very hard to sleep with the constant pain and hard to get comfortable.

    Also I'd like another baby in the future, so lots of potential uses really!

  61. No I have never used one before but would love to x

    Natalie Gillham

  62. I've never used one, but they look comfy x
    Twitter @tjsi1963

  63. According to one medical survey report, the greater part of the general population are enduring with orthopedic issues because of inappropriate position of sleeping pillows. To determine this issue, a large portion of the specialists proposing orthopedic pillow. These pads are intended to give some kind of remedial advantage, as a rule as backing.


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