*GIVEAWAY* The Snoozle

Introducing The Snoozle ...

Beautifully presented in a giftbox worthy enough to shadow all other mum-to-be gifts, the maternity slide-sheet to aid turning in bed. Especially handy for those with SPD - just like me!

Great quality cotton sheet, you don't expect it to be slippery enough to haul your entire body with the smallest of twists. The secret is that the sheet is a tube - the insides do the work whilst the outside looks elegantly lush on your bedsheets!

Being unable to turn in bed without my thigh bone crunching, pelvis pounding and my whimpering waking half the street, this product not only brings a more rested sleep but it truly cuts pain massively. I 100% recommend this item to anyone who finds moving in bed difficult. This doesn't just cover the pregnant, but also those who've sciatica,arthritis or general aches and pain. 

Available in white trim, pink trim and blue trim, you have the opportunity to win your very own Snoozle, currently retailing at £24 each, by filling in the rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was sent this product free of charge for the purpose of review. All opinions are my own.
MAD Blog Awards


  1. I would use this for my Grandad when he eventually gets outta hospital - think I'm superman don't I dragging him up the bed using his sheet!! Its OK, haven't felt my back for the last 9 years...I blame the epidural :)

  2. i would choose pink and if it to my best friend who's pregnant x

  3. If have pink for a friend of mine, so many different people can use this it's great

  4. I would love the pink one for myself please,I could really do with this,what a great idea!

  5. I would like to win a white one for myself before my pgp gets too bad. In my last 3 pregnancies I've ended up on crutches so who knows why I'm putting myself through it again!

  6. I'd like the pink one for myself :)

  7. I'd choose blue for my work friend!

  8. hi i would love to win the pink one for my daughter :)
    debbie godbolt

  9. White for me please

  10. White, for my friend who has just found out that she is pregnant.

  11. White please. I would give this to my friend.

  12. I would choose blue and keep it for myself for my back ache and when we do eventually convince baby number 2 x

  13. I would like white and would keep it for myself

  14. something that's easy to wash! and it would be for me me me

  15. id choose white, its for me to get comfy in bed

  16. I like the white one. I suffered SPD all through my pregnancy.
    I had my baby via section on Thursday last week, and im still in a lot of pain and struggling to turn over in bed so this would be great.


  17. Blue for my cousin who previously lost her baby girl at 20 weeks and is pregnant again

  18. I would choose pink and give to one of my friends

  19. I would choose white and it would be for myself

  20. Oh my god this sounds like fantastic idea! Would love white for me, turning over in bed is currently such a mission and I wake my hubby up so many times!

  21. I would love a white one please :D

  22. a white one please its for myself as i toss and turn a lot in the night

  23. Pink & for me as I'm 29 weeks & getting bigger and more awkward to move all the time.

  24. White trim - I'd give it to one of my best friends who is 6 months pregnant at the moment.

  25. pink please , I have a friend who would love this.

  26. i would choose blue and give to a very special family member x

  27. I would choose the white trim and keep it for myself for my next pregnancy as I really suffered with SPD in my last one.

  28. I'd choose blue for my best firend burently 26 weeks pregnant and suffering from sleepless nights already

  29. I would love this in pink for myself my SPD was so so bad with my last pregnancy I was on crutches so this would be amazing to be prepared for this one!

  30. I would like white please, for my sister in law, my little boy just turned one, you never know I might have to borrow it back :)

  31. I would love the pink trim please. I would love this for myself as I am currently in the early stages of pregnancy, but during my last pregnancy with my little girl I suffered from horrendous SPD, so this sounds like it could be very beneficial!

  32. What an amazing design. I would choose the blue for myself


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