Lunchbox newcomers: Joosed Junior

Yesterday I wrote a post about syn-free snacks that were also perfect for Carson's lunch box. Today, I'm writing about something else to pack in his bag instead. 

I'm talking about Joosed Junior. An all natural, massively thirst-quenching, sports-lidded drink. No added sugar - yay! 

After all that lovely chocolate and fizzy prosecco pop over Christmas, it's about time we got back to basics and over-hauled our eating and drinking ways isn't it? Well, we think so anyway and after being sent a couple of bottles of this late last year, I'm feeling all angelic in our consumption of these now. 

Joosed Junior is made by Bensons, a fruit juice producer based on a beautiful National Trust farm in the Cotswolds. Creating fruit juices and ices for all ages you usually find them in places like Nandos, National Trust, English Heritage and The Garden Centre Group.

Joosed Junior is created with the young Benson children in mind (ranging from 6yrs– 14yrs) and the current fruit juice category being full with hidden sugars and unrecognizable ingredients. Their juices are just 150ml of pure fruit juice mixed up with British spring water and, as per the running theme of this post, have no added sugars, colourings or flavourings. 

Whilst Carson will be the first to say I'm tight with these drinks, and he does get a little annoyed when I limit him to one a day, but, as with all fruit, the natural sugars within here are pretty high so I am strict with his consumption purely on that basis. That being said, counting as one of Carson's 5 a day, I'm confident in the quality of what I'm giving him when it comes to Joosed Junior. 

We were sent the Apple and the Blackcurrant & Apple flavours to try and we enjoyed both varieties. Personally, my absolute fave was the Apple. I'd finished vacuuming and was so thirsty when I grabbed one from the fridge. Oh my! I'll never forget the satisfaction in quenching my thirst with such a wonderfully natural flavour. My only grumble? It didn't last long enough! Junior shmunior - they're good for any age, trust me.

Currently £1.74* for a pack of 4 in Waitrose, have you tried Joosed Junior yet? If not, go get some!

Whilst I've got your attention, why not go and follow Bensons on twitter for Joosed news and giveaways here.

*correct at time of publishing


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