Never too old for hugging: From a blogger's child.

At the weekend, just gone, Carson asked me to delete a photo I took of him whilst playing with his Spongebob sets in the living room. His words were "Mum, please delete that. I don't want to be on Instagram or blog or whatever. I don't want likes, I want to play." 

I had only taken the photo because I thought it was really cute, watching him playing and pretending to be Patrick Star or Squidward and Gary (meow!), and was going to whatsapp it over to the hubby. 

My initial feeling was wow. I was so sad he thought I'd take a photo 'just for likes' or to parade him online. There's no denying that he's a blogger's child that's for sure. How utterly devastating to hear words like this from an 8 year old's mouth. I suddenly felt incredibly guilty. And sad, did I mention I was sad? Really upsetting to hear.

From Reception to Year 4 - how do we not notice them growing?!

I smiled, said OK, then literally launched my phone to one side and we played Spongebob together whilst Finley was upstairs napping. Doing our best at the character's voices, we laughed so much that he was doubled over, crying, teeth chattering, hardly breathing! It was absolutely brilliant and I cherished every moment of that mad hour we spent together.  

Fast forward to today and I've just come home from work. He's told me all about his first day back at school and is being really clingy, showering me with lots of hugs and kisses. I asked him why he was hugging me so much - it's pretty out of character for him, he's normally glued to his ipod watching crappy YouTube videos about Minecraft or hot sauce or farts or, I dunno, something like that. Typical boy stuff, you get what I mean. 

His response? "I'm making the most of it whilst I'm small" Seriously? *heart melting* Profound much?

He then suggests he could write his own blog piece based around hugs. I asked him if he was sure because I really don't want to pop him on the internet if he doesn't want it but he was more than excited about doing this that he was halfway up the stairs looking for his pad and a pen before I'd finished my sentence! 

So, here it is...

He then typed it up and added his own little extra piece, freehand. His copied and pasted version is as follows:

Never too old for hugging
Hello my name is Carson I'm 8 years old . Normally I just don't have time for hugging until on 6th September I realized I can still hug my mummy and daddy. I have been recently hugging my mum and dad because being young doesn't last forever because when I grow up I wont have time to give hugs so I guess I have to make the most of it. I love my mum and dad so much that I still kiss my mum and dad. I am Carson aged 8, everyone - if you feel sad hug your mum and dad.

I am so emotional over his 'post' - what a lovely, warm piece of writing, from the heart of an 8 year old boy. I've decided to introduce a tab on the blog called "Carson's Corner". If ever he wants to write his own thing, he is more than welcome to contribute to this site. 

He knows now that life isn't about likes or over-sharing. It's about doing what you enjoy, as long as you respect those around you. He is on cloud nine right now at being 'published' and I'm so proud of the little man we've brought in to this world. Go Carson!!


Little Hearts, Big Love


  1. Oh my goodness, that is the sweetest! I will definitely be looking out for more of what Carson writes on Carson's Corner.

  2. Oh bless him! He's so right too! x

  3. Omg! How flipping awesome! Bless him. My 8yr old gives hugs when he wants to and flits between "take a photo", "don't take a photo"! This made me well up!

  4. So, adorable. Definitely never too old for hugs from a loved one. So heart melting!x

  5. oh my goodness I want to hug him now! haha. this is absolutely adorable and I hope when my little boy is older and a bit more aware, he can feel free to tell me what he likes and doesn't like and can be involved in my blog. I think it's such a sweet idea, honestly I'm so emotional reading this! Bless him. Sending big hugs and love your way and I hope to see more of his writing soon (he's a natural I can tell :D) xx

  6. That is so cute. I hope you save it in his memory box for when he's older.

  7. Oh my gosh. Everything about this's making me emotional.
    What an amazing little guy you have raised there.
    I actually saw you post about the spongebob photo on facebook, and that made even me a little sad inside. But him writing his own post like that. It's the sweetest.
    You have an amazing little guy there. xxx

  8. Aw that is so cute, you have raised one adorable child. It's so nice that he appreciates his family x

  9. Aww, bless his little heart! This made me well up and realise I'm so lucky that both my 2 are happy to be seen online. In fact, Oscar went on and on at us until we let him have his own channel on YouTube lol. I hope Carson keeps up with all the extra hugging while he's still young :)

    Louise x

  10. What a sweet little post! And yep, never too old for hugs.

  11. What a cutie! This is a lovely post, thanks xo

  12. Ah this really is the sweetest thing for him to write. xx

  13. This is so sweet. What an adorable kid.

  14. That is so sweet! What a cutie!

  15. How sweet! Sometimes, all you need is a hug. You raised him well, dear.

  16. Oh this is so sweet, I hope you have it framed x

  17. This so so sweet - this needs to go up on the wall or something!

  18. Gosh that is so sweet. frame it and treasure it. xx

  19. Omg Carson is just the sweetest and what an intelligent boy too!!! I love this! Hugs are so important I think I hassle may kids for them hahaha

  20. What a lovely post, kids can do the cutest things sometimes.

  21. It seems you have a promising little blogger on your hands! I think it's so lovely that he wanted to write something for your blog to be posted on the internet. It's really well written as well! Maybe he'll be a writer of sorts one day! :D

  22. Im 28 and I still give my parents hugs all the time!

  23. Oh Carson, you have made me cry. I will be keeping an eye out for your posts x

  24. What a wise little boy, its true you are never too young or old to hug. So much comfort can be found in a hug.

  25. Oh that is so beautiful. Love how Carson is trying to make the most of still being small and wanting to enjoy those hugs - it's true that there might be less of them as you get older, but you're never to old to give your mum and dad a hug. Thank you so much for sharing this with #ftmob :-)

  26. That is really lovely! What a fab thing to be able to keep too (and you probably wouldn't have it without blogging). I hope those hugs carry on for a long time :) #ftmob


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