Winner Announcements!!

After a very... different... Christmas and New Year I am back to my baby that is the blog and first things first there are winners to announce!

Winner of the £25 voucher to spend at The Works...
Vicky Hawkins
Your winning entry, randomly selected by rafflecopter, was
following @TheWorksStores on twitter - Well done!

Winner of the HiPP Organic Hamper...
Michaela Hannah
Your winning entry, randomly selected by Gleam, was
Tweeting your entry - Well done!

Squeeee for our winners! You have both been emailed so check those inboxes (or spam) for some great news at the start of 2015. 

Many congratulations!

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I love hearing from you guys. Whether you agree, disagree or just have something to add - just fire away!, pub-8301510335931825, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0