Berry Clever Kids - The community for parents who purchase!

For a few months now I've been signed up to BerryCleverKids - a site that allows parents to publicly rate (or hate) items that we buy for our kids.

At first I didn't really 'get it' when I was rating stuff, but I soon realised it was like twitter. Take a look...

In 150 characters just say whether you would or wouldn't buy it, whether it's useful or useless, any pros or cons you think other parents need to know. You can even upload a PicTip! Once you've completed this teeny tiny form, just add it to a list. 

For the above, I was rating a Toy Medical Kit - Carson adores his (he has actually had a fair few over the years), so I 'have it' and I 'love it', I added a comment to say that the stethoscopes normally really work in these kits, making them extra fun. Then I added it to the list 'Primary School Age Toys'. It took less than 1 minute. 

Before I knew it I was looking for everything that I'd ever owned, throwing my two pence worth in! Then, I started looking for stuff I wanted, or had heard about, and using the general consensus of other members I could make an informed decision as to whether I needed/wanted it at all!

It's been invaluable for me, I just hope that other members find my opinions just as helpful too.

It's completely free to sign up so why not take a look:  Once you've signed up, give me a follow to check out my lists and I'll follow you back to check out yours. Remember, the community works because the more people that give their opinions, the more you're helping other buyers! It really is a simple case of snapshot reviews as and when you need them.

 Follow @BerryCleverKids on twitter   //   Like Berry Clever on facebook

Oh, and if you have pets - there is also Berry Clever Pets. Woof!


  1. This sounds like a really good idea. I am always searching web for reviews for different toys etc

  2. Oooh I have to say this does sound interesting and I always try and find honest reviews before buying anything so going to check this out

    Laura x

  3. Sounds like an excellent resource for moms xx

  4. Signing up to this now, such a great idea.


I love hearing from you guys. Whether you agree, disagree or just have something to add - just fire away!, pub-8301510335931825, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0