WIN: Cece The Strawberry by Vitaminnies

If it ain't dripping in grease or flourescent blue, are your littl'uns interested in being told to eat it? If you just answered yes... you got skills! Seriously though, trying to hit that 5 a day can be a struggle regardless of how much you explain why it's vital to their healthy growth.

Vitaminnies are a completely independent limited company who recognise this issue and are releasing a book series specifically targeting children. Striving to educate through fun, the characters will aid children in learning exactly why different types of fruit and vegetables are good for them by explaining the effect that different vitamins and minerals have on our bodies. Not only will this generate more of an interest in their own five a day choices, but it makes learning fun whilst introducing the collectible element.

Cece The Strawberry is the first in a series by Vitaminnies

The first book of the series is called Cece The Strawberry. And boy is she cuuuute! With clear large font on beautifully illustrated pages, it grips the child from the get go. At just £3.99 for a paperback book (or £2.99 for an ebook, if you little one enjoys sharing the tablet with you before bed), it's pocket money pennies for, potentially, a great return.

Encouraging to understand why fruit & vegetables are good for you, not just because "I said so!"

I have 2 books to give away to two lucky readers of Coming From Carson's Mummy. Their books are self published with a strong belief in children having the ability to make the best, and informed, choices. All you're asked to do is help spread the Vitaminnies word. It's the least you can do for the chance to win one!

Enter the giveaway below via the rafflecopter and you're in. Good luck!

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