Finley's Journey continued... EHCP

I rarely write about Finley and I've explained why that is in past posts, but I feel compelled to share the fantastic news with you all... Finley's EHCP has been granted and he has been offered a place at our preferred special needs school for children with complex learning difficulties, without us even having to fight for it. 

Snug as a bug... ON a rug?!

Despite me being typically hard faced and logical about things, I didn't stop crying for half an hour when I heard the news last week! The built up pressure must have finally wanted to spill out of me like water from a tipped up jug. Boy, did it feel good!!

Anyone going through the turmoil of requesting an EHCP assessment, keep going. It will be worth it in the end and it will be the greatest feeling ever when you get some good news. It's not easy, it can be very complicated, and will take up a lot of your time, not to mention be quite distressing when you have to fill that form out with every single issue in black and white. But DON'T GIVE UP!

He might have his issues but he's a ray of sunshine on this beach :)

We're ecstatic that we've managed to do something for him. I am feeling so incredibly hopeful for what this huge milestone can do for him in the long run. 

The future is bright, I just know it.


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