What To Do For Father's Day... Without Dad

It's that time of year were I'm receiving Father's Day emails left right and ruddy centre. Am I happy about it? Well, no. Not really. 

Whilst I can ensure my hubby has a fab day with the kids, what am I supposed to do after having lost my dad just over 9 months ago? He currently lives in a jar next to the TV at my Mum's as we're not ready to scatter him or anything yet, so it's not like I can go to a graveside to pay my respects. So, what do you do for Father's Day when you've lost your Dad?

Carson has some wonderful memories of his Grandad that he talks about on a very regular basis, which makes me smile. Finley will not remember him, which makes me sad. 

I decided to gather some of my favourite snaps and create a canvas collage that will not only take pride of place in my hallway, but can be passed on to one of the kids later in life. Maybe Carson would like to take it to continue remembering him? Perhaps it could be nice for Finley to have and look back on the images of his Mum with her Dad and his Brother with his Grandad? 

I opted for Dad holding me as a newborn, Dad holding Carson as a newborn and Dad holding Finley as a newborn too. I feel it shows a generational stage of our lives in a really beautiful way. I plonked a picture of Dad being his usual joker-self, slap bang in the middle to give it a bit of humour as opposed to a shrine of sorts (creepy!). 

It was quite emotional even thinking about this canvas and which pictures would be 'most meaningful' so I was glad that it was really easy to create in that I simply uploaded the images, selected collage, and clicked to shuffle a few times until I liked the look of the layout. No re-sizing, no careful placement, no hassle. It made it all less of a 'doing' and all more of a 'reminiscing' - allowing an emotional and therapeutic experience, if you like. 

father's day without dad

So, I owe a massive thanks to TruPrint for allowing me to enjoy this really quite sensitive month in one little way by celebrating my Dad, even though he's not here to see it. Mind you, if he was here to see him plastered on my hallway wall, I'm sure he's have something to say about it! 

If you would like to think about something a little different this year and make your Dad part of the #TruPrintDads army, then head on over to Truprint now and take a look. PLUS get up to £30 off your Father's Day Gifts by using code LOVEMYDAD but remember the last order date is Monday June 15th!

Happy Father's Day to all you past, present and expecting men out there. 

You're probably loved much more than you can ever imagine, remember that.

Voucher terms:
Code LOVEMYDAD gives £10 discount on order £20-£49.99 and £30 discount on orders £50 or more
Minimum spend does not include P&P charges
Offer is valid until midnight 15th June 2015.
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  1. am glad tyler is old enough to have memories of your dad but am always sad we dont have pics of tyler and his grandad together. But we will all make sure they know and remember their fab grandad stu :-) xxx

  2. My dad died when I was a baby and growing up Father's Day specifically didn't really bother me (I thought about him more on his birthday or just day-to-day in general) as unless I walked past a card shop or something I would barely even noticed when it was. These days, like you said, with email in particular, it seems to be getting more and more "in your face" every year, for weeks on end, so it bothers me far more than it ever did! I have scanned in the few old photos of him with me and my mum that I have, so that I have a digital copy, but the canvas college sounds like a great idea! Thanks for the discount code
    - Jodie Cook

  3. So sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how painful Fathers day must be when you're beloved dad isn't here anymore. I love the picture you've created.... very special indeed.

  4. I'm sorry for the loss of your dad, after each mile stone of time passes it will become a bit more bearable. I lost my lovely dad 4 years ago and still miss him every day, he asked for his ashes to go in with my mums at our local crematorium - it's just a lawn area so I never feel they are there. Each anniversary, birthday or other occasion I put flowers beside a picture of them both (the last one I have of them together).

  5. I'm sorry for your loss.I think the the thing to do on Father's Day is to get out photo albums, show them to the kids and chat about him. It will be emotional of course.


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