As a parent, you probably already have some tips stored away for surviving your own child’s birthday parties but what happens when it’s not your child? From the age four children start receiving invites to whole class birthday parties and parents are forced to navigate them every few weeks of the year.
If you’re still standing awkwardly in the corner, hoping no-one speaks to you while you watch your child play, it could be time for survival tips. Take a look at what you need to know.
Read The Invitation
The invitation you receive will have vital information that can help you prepare for the party. Is there a theme? What time does it start? It will also include the venue and other necessary details.
If the party is themed, this will allow you time to find a costume for your child. If you leave it too late, you may be left trying to scramble a costume together. Your child may never forgive you for this.
Make Friends
It’s worth remembering that every other parent in the room is in the same situation as you. You don’t have to be best friends with every parent but knowing one or two you can have a conversation with will serve you well in these situations. If your child is young, you’re likely to be seeing these parents for another decade.
Get a Gift
Getting gifts for each child can be expensive the more parties you attend. However, the good news is, you don’t have to get much to please a young child. A card and bag of candy will do the job well.
You may want to buy gifts according to how close your child is with the birthday child. For instance, a small gift for a child in the class will suffice but you could look at personalised gift ideas for close friends.
Offer to Help
If you’ve ever thrown your own birthday party for your child, you’ll understand how much work it can be. When you arrive at the party, ask the host if you can help out. Maybe you could help to put the buffet out on the tables.
Or maybe you could help run the games or hand out the party bags. Every pair of hands helps when it comes to keeping a room full of young children entertained.
Have an Escape Plan
Perhaps you’ve noticed that young children don’t like to leave parties. About as much as they like to leave the playground. When it’s time to leave, you may have to create an incentive.
For example, your child may have behaved so well she deserves ice-cream. Whatever your plan is, it has to be better or equal to what’s at the party. When all else fails, the venue is closing.
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