Photo by William Fortunato from Pexels
Having your child head abroad for the first time without you can feel daunting both for you and for them. It is a big step that you need to make sure you are prepared for. You want to make sure that your teen feels happy and excited and that your worries aren’t projected onto them. Yet you also want to make sure that they are sensible and ready for the trip ahead. If your child is heading abroad for the first time, this is likely to be with a school or university trip. Whether it's somewhere new in Europe like Madrid student trips or somewhere abroad with one of their friends, there are some fantastic opportunities to be had. Here we have put together some top tips for your teen’s first trip abroad without you.
Ensure they have your contact details safe
One of the most important things your teen needs to know when they are heading abroad without you is how to get in touch with you. This can come in handy in case they are feeling homesick, something happens or they just want to get in touch with you. They will likely have a mobile phone with your number safe, but ensure they also have your phone number saved somewhere else, such as written on a piece of paper that they can easily access. Write down any important numbers they might need so they can easily contact you.
Make sure they know what to do if they get lost
If they are to get lost when they are away this can be scary but preparing them can help. Have them learn the address of the hotel where they are staying and keep note of the contact details on their phone. Ensure they know what to do should they get lost and that they have cash on them as well as a bank card that can be used abroad. This means they don’t need to worry about if they lose their wallet or phone as they can still pay - such as if they need to get a cab.
Help them pack the essentials
If they haven’t been abroad without you before, chances are they won’t know all the things they need to pack. Make a list and sit with them to go through it before they go. Ensure they have all the necessities including the right clothes for the weather of where they are going as well as toiletries and other bits that might be a pain to purchase out there. Other essentials they might need include currency for the local area, portable chargers, plug adapters and more. They will also need a passport that is in date and has at least six months left on it. Check they have the adequate insurance and that they know how to access any of these details should they need to. If they do get into an accident or health problem, make sure they know of any allergies or medical information the Doctor needs to hear of.
Teach them about the local currencies and rules of where they are going
Heading abroad can be daunting so try to speak to your teen and inform them of the cultures, rules and currency of the destination that they are heading. Whether they are looking to do different excursions or exploring without planned tours, it will help for them to have a basic knowledge. This can aid them with communication and make the trip easier and more fun. By teaching them the value of currency and all about the exchange rate they won’t spend unnecessarily when they are there and it can help give them a better understanding of the money they have.
Your child or teens first trip abroad without you can be scary but also end up being a fantastic experience for them. They will learn so much that they can then apply to the rest of their life and it will be a great way to enrich their brains and help them grow as a person. No matter if they are going for one night, a weekend or a whole week but having these top tips prepared you can rest safe in the knowledge that you have done all you can in order to prepare them. Have you recently had a teen or a child that has gone abroad with someone such as the school or a friend? What did you do to get prepared? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.
*collaborative post
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