Carson's Corner: My cake recipe!

This is a post written by Carson himself as part of Carson's Corner

Hi Everyone!

Today I want to tell you all about my cake that I made on Saturday. It's a Vanilla Sponge with Raspberry Buttercream. It went down a treat with my mum, dad, nin and grandad (and if I say so, myself!)

So first off, Mum went and bought all the ingredients we needed like real butter, icing sugar and - important this one - SEEDLESS raspberry jam. We had a lot of the stuff in already to be fair though.

The recipe is crazy easy to remember. It's just 3 equal parts!

Cake recipe
225g self raising flour
225g butter
225g sugar
4 eggs
vanilla beans in a grinder

We don't have any electric whisks or mixers in our house so it was hard going to get it right. I even had a cake mix-splosion a couple of times hahaha! But mum gave me a little help and we did it in the end. Literally put all the ingredients into a bowl and mix like mad! Done. 
Oh, the vanilla is to taste apparently. I just ground it in until I saw a nice even spread of black dots in the mixture, seemed to work perfectly to be fair!

I put some greaseproof paper on the base of the cake tin so it didn't stick and then poured the mix inside the tin.

It took about an hour on gas mark 4 to cook (because mum said our oven is rubbish and we need a new one!). To test it was ready we did the knife test. So what you do is jab it in the middle and if it comes out clean  you know it's ready.

Buttercream recipe
140g butter
280g icing sugar
Half jar of seedless raspberry jam

Creaming together the butter and icing sugar was hard just using a spatula or a wooden spoon but keep doing it as the flavour will be worth it. The jam needs to be stirred to make it go like a sauce so it's easy to drizzle over the top too.

I'm obsessed with baking at the moment and I'm going to practice for a whole year and apply to enter junior bake off.

I thought the final result was amazing (big head!). 

What do you think?


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