My Top 5 Family Instagram Pictures

I still feel like a newbie when it comes to Instagram. I don't use it as much as I should so was looking through last night to see what I have actually shared with you guys. I thought I'd give a bit more detail as to why I love some of these pictures...

Number 1...

A photo posted by Carsonsmummy (@carsonsmummy) on

Yup, as the caption says, this was our very first family photo with all 4 of us. Finley was 3 months old and not at all aware with what was going on, as you can tell! 

Number 2...

Fast forward 2 years and we have our second family photo as a foursome. It's a pretty poor show when you only have 2 family pictures in the first 2 years of a babies life isn't it. I have to improve! On the plus side, Finley looks more engaged than the first and Carson is continuing with his normal wacky faces.

Number 3...

Finley rarely offers affection or eye contact so this was absolutely massive for him (and me, as a selfish mum craving some sort of bondy moment!)

Number 4...

A photo posted by Carsonsmummy (@carsonsmummy) on

What a lovely grown up pose from Carson, caught on camera by his Ninny. I absolutely adore this shot.

Number 5...

It's the small things like this, coming home from work to home made brownies , love hearts and sealed envelopes filled with written blessings, that make me realise how lucky I am to have my husband.

What would your top 5 be? Why not blog them and tag me so I check them out, I love being nosey!!


  1. Great pics! I love Instagram, though I don't really share family pics so much on there. I love how it's such a creative medium that can give you a little snapshot of people's lives.

  2. These photos are beautiful! I love the idea of this post, sharing your top 5 photos, definitely a unique idea that I've not seen done before x

  3. Oh these are lovely pictures. I love Instagram and never thought to write a post like this. Maybe I should give it a go! Angela from Daysinbed

  4. What lovely photos - I do love Instagram, although I don't usually have many family photos there (occasional ones of my daughter) but lots of gorgeous scenery and things that have caught my eye. Always makes me feel happy to scroll through.

  5. I love how your older son makes silly faces in the background and the rest of you are oblivious. Makes me LOL!

  6. Lovely family pictures! I share pictures of my family in Instagram too but not a lot though. It's more of creative platform to share beautiful scenery, food, and just basically the good stuff.

  7. Love your family pics.I like instagram too but not sharing family stuff so much.

  8. Love your family pics.I like instagram too but not sharing family stuff so much.

  9. What gorgeous pictures! I especially love that one of Finley-doodles looking at you. Just so special xx

  10. Aww great pics. We too have few images of the 4 of us. Love Finleys picture with mummy - what a lovely moment. I struggle to choose 5!!


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