What's In Your Handbag?

What's in your handbag? I read a lot of these kinds of posts and it puts me to absolute shame. Would I dare show how unglamourous I was? To be fair, aside from receipts and wrappers or bits of snotty tissues (from the kids of course!!) it's incredibly minimal. I've gone from having a full makeup bag to just one nude lippy and some nivea lip balm.

Shades and umbrella - because we just never know what to expect in this country! Always be prepared is a good motto to follow - although I'd advise you stop short of one of those pocket-poncho things, ewww!

A pen! This is a fairly recent addition and it's mainly because I'm sick of the burst blood vessels in my face from when I can't find one anywhere in the house. Anyone else find their houses eat biros?

Tissues. Hayfever season is upon us. Whether you suffer or not, there will also be someone on the bus sniffing that goo in because he hasn't got a tissue.  Be a pal and shut them up help him out.

Smokes. Yes I'm a smoker. I can go days without one but then days where I can have 20 with no problem at all. What really winds me up most about having ciggies in my bag is the bits of tobacco that fall out and gather in the corners like autumnal leaves in a cul-de-sac.   Just gross.

Gum and deodorant,  because no one likes a smelly sod, let's be honest. I get so paranoid walking back in to the office after I've nipped out for a smoke. It's like a military operation when I finish. Wash hands, deodorant, chewie. I really should get myself a vape kit and be done with the doobs.  They're better for you, they don't make you hum-ding and I'd be saving myself one lorry load of money at the end of the year.

Which brings me to my last handbag item. The purse. It's mostly full of loyalty cards, not money! But what I love about that is the fact that the more I spend, the more I earn. It's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

So what's in your handbags? Anything exotic? Do tell...

*this is a collaborative post.


  1. I am impressed you have so little! Mine is like Mary Poppin's handbag, you never know what you will find in there x

  2. I've got hayfever at the moment, it's no fun! I have makeup, my purse, tissue, dental tape and my phone in my bag :)

  3. I adore everything about this post. it's basically my life. me time = best time.xxx

  4. Oh please don't smoke my lovely, take back control of your routine, your health and your purse. Think of all the things you could do with that money instead and you don't want to look back in the future and think "if only"! You have also reminded me that I need to put some more tissues in my handbag as my daughter took my last one!

  5. I love a minimalist handbag so you're a girl after my own heart! I always have deodorant or perfume too xxx

  6. Always interesting to find out what other people carry about! I have reading glasses, sun glasses, a pen, a pad, phone, nude lippie, tissues, purse and usually a packet of mints.... plus old receipts, parking tickets, long ago forgotten shopping lists and all that rubbish I should throw out!

  7. Love a Whats in my handbag post (or video) I think im just nosey! haha

  8. My handbag is tiny and I have SO much stuff in it - at LEAST eight lip products *hides in shame*

  9. I can't believe how neat your handbag is! Mines such a muddle of things, I went out on Friday with a huge tape measure in mine and didn't realise till I accidently came across it - I had however been wondering how my bag got so heavy lol. x

  10. Pen and notebook, powder, cologne, business cards. Very usual but can really be messy. Hehe

  11. I always carry around my diary and lipstick as two essentials x


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