Monday 9 March 2015

Mother's Day with ElevEase Shower Step #WIN

Last summer I reviewed the ElevEase Shower Step, if you didn't see it click here. Whilst I didn't have one when I was pregnant with Finley (and I so wish I did looking back on those hairy legs in the stirrups!), I am loving how much I use it now even without a bump. No more bending in the shower to shave my legs and no more chin-to-knee action when fixing up a pedicure either. 
This nifty step, makes life easier for anyone whether it's to manouvre around a baby bump or to ease showering for those with back problems or arthritis.  Available in white or chrome, it wouldn't look out of place in anyone's bathroom.
So, if you're looking for something a little more practical for Mum this Mother's Day, I have no problem recommending an ElevEase Shower Step. As an advocate of their innovation, I am pleased to team up with ElevEase to offer one of you lucky ducks your very own ElevEase Shower Step and pamper hamper worth €50.00 and what's more - it's open worldwide.

Which would you choose, white or chrome?

All we ask is that you enter via the rafflecopter widget below in order for your entries to be counted. You don't have to enter via every method, but if you do - you'll have a better chance of winning PLUS you will unlock a free daily entry so go right on ahead and go for it... GOOD LUCK!
mother's day gift idea
Not actual prize - contents will vary.

Buy your ElevEase Shower Steps on Amazon now in white or chrome
They're priced from just £15.97

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Closes 22/03/2015 at 11.59pm
Any entries deemed false will be removed prior to the random draw.
Winner agrees to details being passed on to ElevEase in order for prize to be fulfilled.
Whilst we endeavour to get your prize to you asap, we ask that you allow up to 28 days for any eventualities such as postal delays, weather etc.

Open Worldwide.
See more giveaways on Prizefinder


  1. Just read your review of this item, it looks really interesting, I know what you mean by the being in the hospital with hairy legs I apologized lol

  2. This is inspired and genius! I wish I'd have known about this when I was pregnant. Not being able to shave your legs when you're heavily pregnant in summer is just hideous. There has to be a massive market for this!

  3. hello awesome giveaway !! great review aswell xx

  4. The step would be a god-send for me with my mobility problems x

  5. oh wow! this looks so good, really great give away! :)

  6. this sounds like a fab product would love to try it

  7. I think this is such a great idea - no more bending down and hurting my back!


  8. This is fantastic! I really want one now! xx

  9. Great giveaway, Would love to be considered for my amazing mum. Good luck everyone x

  10. Great idea for a giveaway!

  11. Really interesting, thank you.

  12. Great giveaway. Love your blog

  13. What a great prize ! my dad moved in with us a year ago and has awful mobility problems and arthritis, this would make his time in the shower so much easier especially with nail clipping !

  14. mobility problems would be soleved for my husband

  15. Thanks for the chance, would make things easier for the mum in law x

  16. this looks fantastic, could benefit from it myself lol

  17. Fab prize, good luck everyone!

  18. Thanks for the lovely giveaway, this sounds great, I really like the chrome one.

  19. Such a wonderful thing, thank you for doing it. I have arthritis and a frozen shoulder, so the step alone would be ace. I spotted a link to buy one so will check it out, thank you.

  20. I would love a chrome one please, this would be perfect for me whilst I'm pregnant but I would pass it to my nan afterwards who could really benefit from this

  21. Becky - Great giveaway for a pamper!

  22. Great prize, thanks for the chance :)

  23. nice giveaway id follow you on twitter but youve blocked me =/

  24. great giveaway
    from samantha price

  25. oh wow! this looks so good, - leanne w

  26. Great idea, good that it comes in more than one colour too so you can fit it in with your bathroom decor

  27. this looks fab i would love the white one

  28. thanks for a great review and giveaway :)

  29. Great giveaway, always great prizes here, thank you so much for the chance, would love to win!

  30. Great giveaway - thanks !

  31. Pam Francis Gregory20 March 2015 at 16:10

    Great idea - would love one for my mom

  32. Great idea, thanks for the competition

  33. Great giveaway, keep it up.

  34. i need a good pamper, thank u for the comp

  35. Amazing giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity :) Great blog as well by the way! :)

  36. such a super prize I have a bad hip so this would be lovely to win

  37. This is a fabulous prize! The Elevease sounds like it would make my life so much easier!

  38. Wonderful competition

  39. This looks like a great item, thanks for the chance x

  40. I have a bad back so this would be fab! Although I think my mum could do with it more ;)

  41. My husband can't bend anymore and he would find this such a boon. I may buy one if I don't win.

  42. This is a really great idea for a product!

  43. Brilliant giveaway. Fingers crossed x

    Keeley Shaw

  44. Would love to win this for my Mum :) It's her birthday soon!

  45. I would choose white! Such a fab idea

  46. Great competition my wife would love this

  47. This is a fantastic giveaway.

  48. What a great idea. I have health issues resembling a permanent 6 month pregnancy so this would be ideal


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