Monday 26 January 2015

Gifts from Distinctive Silver - Review and Win!

You may have heard (you should have, I've been banging on about it for a while!), I turn 30 in 1 week's time. So this is a perfect chance to rave about Distinctive Silver and their range of jewellery - perfect for a gift for any occasion, not just my 30th birthday but Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and perhaps, just because?

As far as jewellery goes, I own no yellow gold at all apart from a bracelet I was given 12 years ago and it has never ever left my wrist since it first went on. I tend to opt for silver or white gold only as I prefer it's appearance to yellow gold, it reflects the light better and goes with anything clothes-wise. 

One item of jewellery that I wear day in-day out is earrings. I love my earrings, I feel naked without any in. I usually opt for a large-ish design with a stud back, bling is a big bonus too. Nothing like a bit of sparkle to wake me up in the morning! So when I was asked if I'd like to review an item from Distinctive Silver's website - I saw a perfect fit for me. Check 'em out....

Described as  "Vibrant blue vintage round style earrings for pierced ears. Large blue sapphire coloured centre stone surrounded by two rows of rounded sterling silver, set with shiny cubic zirconia diamonds." they deliver what they promise.  

Nothing short of beautiful.

I've seen some like this in the likes of Primark before, but I hate the green marks you're left with on your lobes. These Vintage Earrings have a hallmark 925 and the quality shows in that I had no greenery at the end of the day! 

Although not a traditional stud as I expected, rather than having a butterfly clasp at the back, the earring has an attached clasp in the way of a loop around the base of the lobe and back up to the pin, the look is just as good, emulating a drop stud style. Retailing at £19.99 and presented in a luxury black velvet-like pouch they are a stunning gift for any lucky lady. 

Alongside earrings, Distinctive Silver offer bracelets and necklaces too, all in an array of styles and I've teamed up with the lovely guys there to offer 3 of you a chance to own your very own bracelet...

What do you think, you lucky duckies! Which one would you prefer?

Giveaway ends on 22/02 11:59pm. Any entries deemed to be false will be removed and disqualified. So, just enter via the rafflecopter widget below and... Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*With thanks to Distinctive Silver for the above pictured earrings that I received free of charge for the purpose of review.

Win competitions at


  1. Oooh these bracelets looks beautiful - as do those earrings. Fingers and toes crossed for the giveaway

    Laura x

  2. I love bracelets the most, especially the fancy ball statement bracelet on their website

  3. I love all jewellery from bracelets, necklaces, rings and earrings to navel studs but I believe less is more so never wear lots of jewellery at once or big and chunky pieces. I prefer dainty items, especially silver and I adore earrings! Thank you for the giveaway!

  4. I'm totally addicted to bracelets - elegant, chunky, sophisticated, bargain basement, I love them all!

  5. I love these earings they are stunning, i have a pair very very similar. x

  6. I like necklaces because they're so easy to wear. Earrings sometimes irritate my ears, but I'd be willing to risk it for ones as nice as yours.

  7. I love the bracelets so beautiful.

  8. I am obsessed with silver hoop earrings

  9. I always wear silver earrings and I love charm bracelets

  10. I'm mostly just necklaces and a simple pair of earrings (I don't even wear most of my piercings these days), love my necklaces though...anything heart.

  11. I don't wear much jewellery apart from my wedding ring (I lost my engagement ring :( ) on a daily basis but for going out I love a long necklace or bracelet and simple earrings.

    Thanks for the chance to win, enjoy your 30th

  12. I like silver best, quite simple pieces like these bracelets, nothing too large or chunky

  13. I love any chunky silver jewellery x

  14. Earrings. Particularly silver ones.

  15. cant leave the house without earrings, i feel nakd without them!

  16. I love silver and always wear earrings and a necklace.

  17. i love silver, especially earrings!!!

  18. I wear rings and earrings every day. Necklaces I wear when going out.

    Hazel Rea - @beachrambler

  19. Lightweight as i have along thin neck and slim arms

  20. hello i love earings :) great giveaway :)

  21. I only wear my rings as my kids always yank at my necklaces and bracelets!

  22. aw they are so pretty and love the colour x

  23. Necklace' are great. Statement ones, small delicate ones and everyday ones; I love them all.

  24. I love a bracelet, they look so pretty particularly in the summer when I have a bit of a tan.

  25. I have always worn silver and particularly like bracelets

  26. I love gemstone jewellery and diamonds being my birthstone x

  27. I like those rope bracelets, particularly because we can share and have one each.

  28. Diamond Jewellery(I should be so lucky!!).xx

  29. i love charms that glitter
    bracelets that shimmer
    and this bracelet is a winner

  30. I do love Necklaces - especially unusual ones xx

  31. Silver earrings are my favourite
    Celia West

  32. I seldom wear much apart from my wedding ring, but I simply love earrings.

  33. My favourite jewellery is anything that I can wear on my hands and wrists.

  34. I love really delicate silver bracelets

  35. the chlobo style bracelets in clusters maria blythin

  36. I don't feel dressed without earrings

  37. I'm really into rings at the moment, but earrings have always been my favourite

  38. My favourite jewellery is necklaces xx

  39. gemstone jewelry

    trevor linvell

  40. I love jewellery, especially bracelets

  41. I love bracelets - they are the finishing touch to any outfit!

  42. I love silver, bracelets earrings you name it. Like Whit gold and platinum too, bit costly though! Loving the earrings and the bracelets!

  43. I have a Pandora charm addiction!

  44. I like a bit of everything really, mostly wear silver or costume jewellery,

  45. I like rings and earrings the most

  46. I love silver. Necklaces, bracelets and rings.

  47. Anything sparkly, I've recently got into rings as well after not wearing any for years

  48. Bracelets are the only jewellery that i really wear!!


I love hearing from you guys. Whether you agree, disagree or just have something to add - just fire away!