Monday 16 June 2014

Starting the 5:2 plan with LighterLifeFAST #tryfast

I wrote about me feeling ready to start losing weight the other week so I hauled out the scales to weigh myself this morning.
I was pleasantly surprised to see I've already lost 13lb in the 6 weeks since I gave birth, without really trying. That said, I fully appreciate my uterus has been shrinking down during that time and I was also carrying excess water etc so it's not a true reflection of my weight or loss!

I am a big believer of not dieting, but rather a lifestyle change. Making healthy choices and trying to move a bit more in the process.  Granted, the movement part is still difficult but I will be attempting a lot more walks, even at a snails pace if I have to!

So, the 5:2 plan sounds right up my street. Eat totally normally for 5 days and a calorie controlled 'fast' on 2 other days. Any days too, so I'm not regimented in any way whatsoever. I have the freedom to swap and change my fasting days as and when appropriate, to fit around my life, and I still get have pudding 5 days a week.  Boom!

It's super important to ensure I'm getting all my nutritional needs when I'm fasting. Not only for my health's sake but also my mental well being.  With getting up several times throughout the night with Finley, I cannot afford to be sluggish and lacking any vitamins.

This is were LighterLifeFAST comes in to play. Promising to provide all nutritional needs on my fast days, I simply choose 4 fastpacks throughout the day and I don't have to worry about anything lacking - or calorie counting for that matter!

LighterLifeFAST have very kindly provided me with one month's supply of fastpacks so I can give the 5:2 plan a whirl and see how I find it. Currently, their products are entirely exclusive to Superdrug so have a nose HERE

So today, I am beginning my journey and my scales show the following...

I hope to weigh in next Monday and see a healthy loss. Given I'm able to eat as normal on the other 5 days I am unsure of the amount of weight loss to anticipate this week but as long as it comes off, not on, and I do not suffer nutritionally, I'll be pleased.

I'll be letting you know what the fastpacks taste like over the course of the next month too.

So that's it, I've shared my weight and my body profile in the 'before' picture I've made in anticipation of a result of some kind to compare it to in 1 month's time. All that's left to do now is get on with it....
Fingers crossed!!


  1. Great progress pic, I never heard of 5:2 before but it genuinely looks lovely. I agree with your comment i believe in change of lifestyle not just dieting. Good luck with your journey all the best. x going to see if i can find out more about 5:2 for myself.

  2. Good Luck! I'll be joining you on the post baby weight loss soon. Look forward to seeing how you get on I've heard lots of good things about the 5:2 diet. Sounds like you are determined enough to do well :)

  3. Good luck, I look forward to seeing how you get on x

  4. Good luck with the journey ahead. I've looked into the 5:2 diet but still yet to find a plan that suits me on the two days of dieting. I am now following you and can't wait to see your progress.

  5. Good Luck with the diet! I've heard some good things about the 5:2 diet.

  6. good luck with your journey hun ! i am on mine too , all the best lovely :D


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