Wednesday 4 June 2014

Losing baby weight...

Watching the news recently I've seen some rather condescending reports about most new mums feeling pressure to lose their baby weight. Particularly down to celebs' quick turnaround times and the fact that every glossy mag going will feature their amazing transformation.

Am I the only person, new mum specifically, that thinks this is utter tosh? My life is non-comparable to that of a multi-millionaire with personal trainers, in-house chefs and nannies galore. So why would I feel the need to be like them with regards to my weight loss.

Yes, I have a saggy belly and droopy boobs. Christ! I have a second chin that practically flaps about the place when I walk against the wind! But I only want to lose weight for me. So I can feel good about myself. Just like sweeping your lashes with mazzy can make you feel better about yourself, or shaving your legs.

In no way, shape or form do I feel pressured by celebs and the media. I have just fired out a human being from my woo for God's sake. If people think I'm sh*t because I can't lose it all on the cabbage soup diet by the time my baby is 2 weeks old, well sod 'em. Why do they even care? Have they nothing better to do with their lives than gossip about the fatty who just had a kid?

All that said though, I am ready to get losing my excess. But I'll be doing so because I have made the decision to take control back. I was almost housebound by the time Finley was born, what with my SPD, but I am slowly gaining back mobility and I want to get myself healthy for the sake of my kids.

I've a lot of weight to lose but there's a lot more health benefits to gain so watch this space for the return of #WeighInWednesdays - it won't be long before I share more hideous pictures, brace yourselves!!


  1. Go you! I totally agree new mum's have enough going on without worrying about having not lost the baby weight in x weeks!

  2. Good on ya jo! Ive noticed it off ya already so know ya will defo do it xxx

  3. I totally agree with you. There's too much pressure on mums to lose weight! I might join you!

  4. Couldn't agree more, there's too much to be doing to worry about weight! Live life and enjoy your new baby :) xx

  5. I agree with you completely. You do what makes you happy. Having a baby does take a lot out of you. If men had to have babies they would die!!

  6. I agree with you, there is too much to be doing than worrying about weight, when I had my kids the last thing I worried about was my weight, I was too busy enjoying being a mummy, you do what makes you happy.

  7. Totally agree! My youngest is 17 months and I'm only jut ready to start shifting the bulge but shift it I will - slowly I'm sure!

  8. Well done you, hurrah for saying up yours to the media should only ever lose weight for you. I tried for years to lose weight for other people, because of pressure and it never happened. Getting married and having my son was the push I needed, and now my son is 9 months old and I'm 4.5 stone lighter x

  9. I definitely agree with the old '9 months on, 9 months off' saying!

  10. So glad that you are making a recovery, I hope you lose your baby fat very soon and yes I totally agree you should always lose weight only for yourself, not to keep others happy. Good luck!


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