Wednesday 21 May 2014

Introducing the #BabyBabble linky!

I've participated in lots of linky's and the majority truly are amazeballs. I love the variety of posts that are added, the interaction is fantastic and I find a lot of really interesting blogs that I end up following.

Some, however, just don't cut the mustard. So sorry to say it too because, in essence, linky's should be key in the blogging community. Honestly, I once spent over an hour and a half reading and commenting on every single persons linked-up post, only to receive just one view & comment back from it.

Okaaay, so I know that it's impossible for everyone to comment on every single post that's been added, but blogging is not only about taking, you simply HAVE to give too - else we'd get nowhere fast.

With Finley now here, I decided to create a linky of my own. Mainly because I don't want to bore everyone with baby mush all the time - a lot of my readers aren't parents yet and I don't want to turn 'em off by solely talking 'baby'. I know us parents find fluorescent yellow nappies simply fascinating but not everyone does, and I appreciate that!

So... With this new #BabyBabble linky, I can contain any gooey or TMI stories to just the one a week!

>Anything remotely baby related, that's not a review - simples! (age 0 - 4yrs )
>Expectant mums are free to join in too... I know most pregnant ladies live eat and breathe Baby Babble in the run up to B-Day!
>It doesn't have to be a new post specifically for this linky - the choice of post is yours.
>#BabyBabble will open every Thursday - so add it to your blogging diary!

> I will comment on each and every post submitted to the linky. It's no chore, trust me. I love discovering new blogs, I just hope there are posts for me to comment on!!
> If you tweet me (@carsonsmummy) your post that you've linked to #BabyBabble with I will RT
> If you tag me on G+ +Jo Smith when sharing your post linked to #BabyBabble, I will +1 your post
> If you add your #BabyBabble post to my Facebook page, I will share it

I can't say fairer than all that, can I?! BUT... In return I would like you to...

> As your host, I would expect you to visit and comment on my #BabyBabble post too.
> Giving and taking being a major drive for this linky, please comment on at least 4 other posts after mine. (That's a minimum of 5 please guys)
> Please link back to Coming from Carsonsmummy or grab and display the badge below, whichever you prefer.


Click the Mister Linky button below: 

Where it asks for your name pop the name of your blog or post title and add the URL.
After you've added, visit the listed 'Coming from Carsonsmummy' post and at least 4 others.

But, most of all.... ENJOY!!


  1. Good luck with the linky (I know what you mean about comments - although I don't really expect more than a few each linky - what I hate is when the linky owner doesn't even stop just feels like they don't care for the people making it a success!).
    I've just started my own based on musical exploration with children. But it's tough as it's quite niche - although I did have more interest to start with before launching. Will keep at it and see how it goes. Yours is more general, so I'm sure more will link up.

  2. Great idea - I will be sure to join in! x

  3. Lovely idea for a linky and being a brand new blogger this is the first time I've joined in with one. :)

  4. Fab idea for a linky Jo I can't join in with this one will pop over and say hi xx


I love hearing from you guys. Whether you agree, disagree or just have something to add - just fire away!